In Task View, the text in a task Comment is set to 1.0 line spacing (aka single-spaced) as it should be. However, the text in a task Description is set to 1.5 line spacing which is too much space between lines of text, and a task Checklist is set to 2.0 line spacing (double-spaced) which wastes way too much space between lines of text, making it necessary for users to scroll up/down in order to read long descriptions and long checklists. Not only is this inconvenient, and annoying, but it doesn’t look very good either. Why use line spacing of 1.5 or 2.0 when 1.0 works great and takes up much less screen real estate and looks much better? Please consider changing this setting in ClickUp or allowing users to set the default line spacing options themselves. Thank you for your consideration.