I wish ClickUp had a standardized parseable task entry syntax format. I mean a format which includes metadata like due date, time estimate, who to assign the task, etc.
This feature already exists in most similar software, eg.:
Implementing this would make many other features trivial to implement. For example once this syntax is specified, it could be used to:
  1. Make a simple text entry sufficient for task creation, as requested at https://feedback.clickup.com/feature-requests/p/quick-entry-window-on-desktop
  2. Import a list quickly written elsewhere, as requested at https://feedback.clickup.com/feature-requests/p/quick-task-entry
  3. Import tasks entered from a Unix shell, as requested at https://feedback.clickup.com/feature-requests/p/consult-create-task-from-terminal
  4. Import tasks submitted by email. Currently possible with only very limited metadata as described at https://docs.clickup.com/features/email-clickup Requests for improvement in this feature at https://feedback.clickup.com/feature-requests/p/email-to-clickup-v2-assign-task-change-status-etc
  5. Reduce standard new task entry lag, described at https://feedback.clickup.com/feature-requests/p/fix-slash-command-lag-currently-causing-keystrokes-to-be-missed If the task entry syntax is parseable as an entire line, then we don't need to wait for ClickUp to parse any specific portion before we can move on and keep typing the rest of the line. Currently, ClickUp requires that we wait until it has parsed the due date field before we can enter other fields.
There's a related request at https://feedback.clickup.com/feature-requests/p/quick-add-of-tasks-subtasks-checklists but I'm not sure how to implement that one.