A Case Against Lineup (Why not just make it a filtered view?)

Lineup is a great idea, but it does it need to be its own "thing"?
All the requests (see below) about Lineup are already available in a filtered view.
Rather than make me PUSH something into Lineup which is limited in functionality, why not PULL things into lineup based on a filtered view that I get to customize based on my need?
If I want, I can have it filter on a single custom checkbox field: "Lineup"
• Boom • Done •
(Presumably, the person(s) whose lineup it will show up on is already assigned to the task.)
If I want something more fine-grained (Priority is high, due date is today, and custom field is "DO IT NOW IDIOT") --- then that's up to me.
It would have ALL the functionality of a list (including breadcrumbs, bulk actions, etc.) but could surface in interesting places (Home, Calendar Auto Schedule) and benefit from the ADDITIONAL functionality of the Lineup.
Rather than create this separate extremely limited thing (lineup), why not just use the existing thing (filtered list) and build on that by giving it Lineup Superpowers.
Don't get me wrong, the concept of Lineup is a GREAT idea. However it just seems like Clickup is needlessly hobbling it by making it its own thing.
Begin Side Rant
Same goes for "Reminders" (they're just tasks... with less!) and "Personal List" (it's just a list, with... less! and hidden somewhere...)
End Side Rant
Lineup Shortcomings:
etc. etc...
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Élio Moreira
I agree with you. I do not use LineUp, just a filtered & sorted view as favorite, from the "Everything" space. I got it as a custom, fine grained LineUp.
But I can predict some use cases where people want to use it independently of a view:
- Maybe today i'm not in a mood to do some management work even tho it is the priority for the week. It happens.
- Maybe we already customized an everything view but, you have 30 tasks in high priority.. then LineUp is just a way of prioritizing those in a personal way: "I prefer to do all the hard work first" or "I prefer an hard task first, then an easy one, then an hard one again."
That's the beauty & the headache of Clickup: It might work for you, but not for me, so each one customizes the platform as we want.
After 2 years I revamped my workspace: I disabled all the clickapps I never/almost-never used, simplified all functionality so every list has the same columns: prio, start & due dates, custom Month, custom Quarter. It's my kind of KISS method, i just love it. It will not work for everybody.
Regarding Personal List: TOTALLY agree with you. At least it should be accessible from the spaces, as a fixed-always there-list, just like "Everything" space is. Does not make any sense having to make a dashboard to check that list.
Regarding Reminders: just tested once, never used, so, no opinion.

Élio Moreira Good thoughts.
Both your cases in the bullet points could be achieved with a custom field --- let's call it "lineup" --- that's a Number type. Then you can have another view on your customized view that's ADDITIONALLY filtered and sorted by the lineup number.
Élio Moreira
LBell Imho that does not simplify the process. Current lineup strategy is 1 click & drag away. And even if you change your mind about the order, you can just drag tasks to the right place. With your solution i have to change view, click on each task "lineup" custom field and manually sort it which involves clicking and inserting an already thought number. If it happens any mistake you have to redo all the wrong numbers.