Add to Lineup, Remove from Lineup
Salah Boukadoum
Please consider adding "Add to lineup" and "Remove from lineup" as automation actions. For the lineup option, allow "All", specific people, teams, watchers, assignees.
As in:
"When Status Changes to [Complete, Ready for Review, Stalled]" -> "Remove from lineup [sb, ct, jw]"
"When Due Date arrives" -> "Add to lineup [assignees]"
"When Status Changes to [Stalled] -> "Add to lineup [Managers]"
Great addition would also
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If Lineup were re-thought as a designated "view" this would be possible:

Brianna Deleasa
This would be super helpful. I'd love to see it added! :)

Kirill Y
Or if priority goes to high/urgent, for task to be added to lineup
Sarah Underwood
This would be so helpful. I'd love the option to automate adding all overdue & due today tasks to lineup

Tim Veles
Need this!
Jason Cook
This would be really great to have and seems like a rather basic feature that ClickUp should add. This would be especially helpful for recurring tasks. As the new due date approaches, I would like to see the task automatically show up in my LineUp

Merged in a post:
Allow me to use automations to add or remove a task from a LineUp

Matt Trifiro

Diana van der Pol
Also, when I mark a certain status (➡️ up next) this would be a complete time-saver!

Paulina Palmowska
I also think it totally makes sense for tasks to be removed from Lineup automatically when they are closed or complete. Removing them manually makes mess and is a bit annoying.
Jessica Mayo
Yeah this would be great, i would like everyone on my teams lineup to show tasks that need completed in order of priority for example. So everyone always knows the next most important thing to be working on for the day.
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