Lineup in Bulk Actions
Camilo Silva
It would be great if we can select a bulk of task and add them to the lineup in the bulk navbar (now I have to open each task to do it and is time consuming)
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If Lineup were re-thought as a designated "view" this would be possible:
Daniel Schlichter
The workflow for adding tasks to LineUp is cumbersome. Two clicks max should be a target. Drag and Drop feature would be epic too. Time estimate/ tracking aswell to see if we are overloading our to-do.
George Newton
I agree, adding to lineup already takes an unreasonable number of clicks, so if you have multiple tasks you want to add it becomes very time consuming and frustrating.
Even if it was easy to add tasks to lineup, being able to select multiple tasks and bulk-add them would be soo convenient.
Nathan Daix
This is very important at is makes Lineup very impractical as you are planning your day's work. Hopefully this is added soon !
Dave Smith
I just don't use Lineup as a feature as it is just too many clicks to add something to Lineup, this would change that.
Having a column with Lineup in it would also be really helpful.
Oh boy, just seen this is a request from almost 3 yrs ago.... not ideal!!
Matt Trifiro
Yeah, I can't believe they missed this one. Why force me to individually add versus bulk add