Redesign the task view
Luesak Luesukprasert
It would be nice if we can customize the task view or if you can redesign the task view. Including the ability to see the task in both full and split screen.
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Joshua Borger
I just want the old default task view back, where it was a modal that I could easily close out of by clicking outside of the modal.
Guy Mannerings
Can we get view options when opening a Task from a Dashboard? Right now, they just open in full-screen, with no option for sidebar mode.
Guy Mannerings
Jamie G. What happened to the drop shadow on sidebar Task view?
It's now really hard to distinguish sidebar Task view from everything underneath.
Richard Perrin
Can we please get the main sidebar visible in the task view? or at least the option for this to be possible? It makes it so much harder to navigate when we have to keep clicking out of the task view to find other items in the workspace.
Asana does this much better:
Workspace sidebar | Task details | comments
in one screen.
Guy Mannerings
Richard Perrin You can do this. The new "default" task layout shows the left navigation sidebar instead of being a pop-up modal.
Richard Perrin
Guy Mannerings ok that's different. Still not that useful though. Can't see task comments and task details at the same time?
Jamie G.
Jamie G. all I'm really asking for is the side bar task view to push all the list info in to view. and also what the hell does "Open" mean?
Ivan Villa
Philipp Knaute
Not only are the icons above the task title rather small. Meanwhile, the task property section below the task title takes up a huge amount of space and makes the user scroll to be able to see the custom fields. Also those property fields change position once they contain information. That way tags, time tracker and date section can be positioned either below or above the task title which makes their use very iconvenient.
I would prefer one single "info section" which is consolidated in a small space directly above or below the task title. Alternatively, customization options for task icons/info sections would be appreciated.
you removed the "change task order in list view". it is impossible for us to work without it. please restore
Eric Nelson
Mijal: We used that a ton as well! Love the new features, but you need parity!
Ross McConeghy
I would love to have complete customization:
Ales Seifert
Can the comments section auto-refresh or at least display an information that there are new comments and offer action to refresh the data? When I have the task open there is no way to get new comments from other people unless you close and reopen the task... or make some filtering activity on comments which is pretty annoying.
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