Add LineUp to mobile app
Kirk Veitch
If I'm running errands for the day, each individual errand is a task. The other day to make my trip as efficient as possible I added them in order to LineUp on the desktop app, only to find that I couldn't take my planning with me. Add LineUp to the mobile app (I hope I haven't missed it when looking).
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Hey everyone! You may have noticed, but you can now access LineUp on mobile by going to the Favorites tab on Home, and then tap on LineUp!
That being said, we understand that there is a bit more that we can do to enable this use case, so i'd love to get your feedback in this survey here ->
This survey is primarily about the My Work page on mobile, but I think users who use one feature are likely to the use the other, so i'd love your input!
Thank you!
Hey everyone! You may have noticed, but you can now access LineUp on mobile by going to the Favorites tab on Home, and then tap on LineUp!
That being said, we understand that there is a bit more that we can do to enable this use case, so i'd love to get your feedback in this survey here ->
This survey is primarily about the My Work page on mobile, but I think users who use one feature are likely to the use the other, so i'd love your input!
Thank you!
Tim Jasper
Joey Fantastic. Now all we need is favorites that actually work! (waiting since October 1st for a fix. Grrr)
Aaron Shuman
Joey YES! Thank you CU team for making this happen.
Joey Will there be a way to reorder the favorites, tray, and lineup tabs to always have lineup be first?
Wondering as well if any of the three will allow rearranging/drag and drop like on desktop.
Evan serling
Yes! NEED lineup on mobile
Jake Kushner
Excited to see this is now available in Mobile in the favorites tab. Now please let us set LineUp as the default screen when you launch the app!! Also need a way to add a task from a list to LineUp on mobile. You can send it to your tray, why not an option to add to lineup?
Adam Young
It looks like they implemented this recently. Got to Home>Favorites, it is the third tab, Favorites|Tray|LineUp. Excited to start using.
Adam Young you are right! thanks! wondering why they are not setting this task on done.
Shreyansh Jain
When will we get this? This is a must for any workflow where we have prioritized something over other and follow time-blocking on calendar.
I need this on mobile because I want to fill my time on the go with something productive.
Ivan Yeh
Need this asap. Since My Work card (especially Legacy My Work) is gone from Home screen and no way to sort/filter Today's task, Clickup mobile is now mostly useless. I am having to duplicate my tasks in another mobile app just so I can line up my day.
Armando Lopez Jr
Much needed. Can’t use the feature if it’s not on mobile.
I dont get why this is not on mobile…
German Manvelov
I need this feature asap. And personal tasks card too.
John Carter
has this feature been implemented? Without it, it takes way too many clicks to accomplish high priority tasks that is ineffective and inefficient. Please simplify the use of this tool.
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