Recurring tasks: make recurring start date relative to the initial task's due date instead of task creation date
Becky Hile
Let's say I want to set up a task for sometime in the future. I also want it to repeat after the initial due date. The behavior I would expect is that the recurring start date would be relative to the start or due date of the initial task, but it seems the recurring task begins on the date the task is created instead.
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Adrian Arama
Any updates on this FR?
I still don't understand the purpose of this last bullet, that makes the option "on schedule" kind of useless...
If users want a task to recurr with the trigger being status change, they have the first 2 options. What we need is to have the option to recur/be created again at the specific date
Can't you guys just disable this useless rule for "on schedule" option?
Jess Szekely
I can't see the use in a task management system that doesn't let you manage your tasks properly... it's such a brain fog having everything showing up when you don't need to know about it for weeks or months still!
I imagine toggles would help with this as native automations, embedded directly into the date picker. Made some mockup examples with hovering tooltips for the following toggles:
- Days & times linked independently
- Days & times linked together (Recurrence Sync)
Toggling on and rescheduling the initial task updates the duration of days and/or times for future recurrences.
Toggling off lets you reschedule the initial task's duration and/or time slots independent of future recurrences, as it currently functions now.
My above comment is now it's own feature request
Javier Castro
Has this been resolved or anyone found assistance?
It is happening the same thing and Click up support is useless. We have sets of tasks that recur every 21 days without weekends. However, the system marks the next recurring task for another date.
Graham Clarke
Recurring tasks definitely need some love, we are an accounting firm and we have a lot of recurring deadlines. Another issue we have is with quarterly recurring tasks. You can't recur a task quarterly starting on a day before today's date, e.g. I want a task to recur quarterly starting Nov 1, 2021. It's Nov 24, 2021, so now that I've missed the deadline for this quarter, I will have to have it start next quarter at the earliest. Also, as another user mentioned below, there is no way of creating a task on a certain day, and having the due date automatically update to a later date, e.g. create on first of month with due date for last of month.
Tom Hinrichs
Merged in a post:
Repeat in relation to previous due date
Lara Ryan
I have tasks that are due monthly. It would be nice that if my staff are late on completing something, that the renewed due date is a month from the previous due date, NOT on the 15th of the month following the date the task is completed.
Rachael Burkhart
I'll throw my hat in the ring for something like this. I want to be able to set the creation date and the due dates for recurring tasks. For example, create a "taxes" task every year on January 1st, that is due April 15th. The current system of 'due date X days after creation date' won't get this right on leap years.
Or, I want a task called "monthly bookkeeping" to be created on the first day of the month and due on the last day of the month. There's no way to do that currently.
To go along with that, it would be even better if the generated due dates would respect weekends. Something like, "if generated due date is on Saturday/Sunday(or whatever day[s] you choose) move it to either the previous or next day". I know holidays vary too much between locations, but I would think weekends should be doable.
At the moment we are using this as schedule list but seems like huge oversight that "Start time" moves every day? I want to make to-do list for the guys and every time I complete a task the Start date changes to different time. Today set to 16:00 with due date at 20:00, Complete and the start time tomorrow is at 20:00 and due date at 20:00. why? Why can't I change that?
Nick Kadutskyi
Currently there is no way to repeat tasks "on schedule" while preserving their start time. That would be useful for recurring meetings.
Russell Stamm
The recurring task function should not recur the next occurrence of the task immediately after you complete the current task because it adds confusion to the dashboard. Instead, it should appear at a specific time prior to the next task is due (i.e. two days before the next due date). It also should show the task as being complete each time you complete it. The way this function currently works, it is not usable at all. Please address this and improve the program to have a better recurring task function. Thank you!
Vinicius Seibel Hummes
Russell Stamm: Exactly. I need to create a recurring task, but I want it to appear every day at 8:00 and I can't. When I create a recurring one and declare it completed, it already appears in the entry for tomorrow's task. But I would like tomorrow's task to appear only tomorrow.
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