Holidays on the Gantt view
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Juan Grandas
Holidays on Gantt View is in development! Stay tuned for updates. 🚀
Jane Koh
Juan Grandas cant wait!!!
Juan Grandas the gantt chart view is the one view in the whole clickup thats needs the most improvements and one of the most vital for every business/aspect view especially for Construction firms and projects that use waterfall structure. What other improvements are you working on and when do you expect them to be delivered?
Lukas Moser
nikolas agree!
Dorian Violleau
Holidays + hide or color weekends
Vincenzo Barletta
request this feature
Daniel Gamber
Is there a plan to release such a feature? Would be increadibly helpful for the Gantt view.
Frank Pulitano
yes, by passing holidays, just like weekends, would be a great addition
Marcus Gelder
This is much needed!
Mosab Jbara
I need to make Friday & Saturday as holydays in Gantt view.
Galanda A Brooker
Hopefully religious holidays can be added as well within ClickUp
Steve Curry
Ability to add or block out or at least highlight a date or a date range due to a public holiday or even a custom project shut down period (i.e. Christmas business shutdown between Christmas and New Years). I think just adding a national calendar would be restrictive (need to block out Clinese New Year for example around international supply projects). Vote for a custom highlight. Would be great for this feature in both Gantt and TImeline.
Dave Chuang
There is ability to add National Holidays in Calendar View but it does not apply to Gantt chart view? Seems the team just released an incomplete feature
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