FULL backup and import

Garin Strader
This is sort of two topics in one. The specific feature request, I'm surprised there doesn't seem to be any posts about. The general request doesn't quite have a post, but is scattered across several posts.
Specifically: Exporting a backup CSV, and immediately trying to import that same data fails miserably. The import fails to recognize most of the exported fields, notably space, list, and project names which are extremely important (among others). It should just recognize immediately that it's a clickup export and import everything out of the box. Seriously, one click to export, 3 clicks to import... should be all it takes. Either that or find some way to add comprehensive source control and versioning.
Generally: why aren't backups FULL backups? Including docs, attachments, embeds, other views, etc. I should be able to entirely delete an account and restore everything in a new account with ease (of course, attachments could be large, so there should be an option to ignore them). Not only this, but we should be able to backup only a workspace, only a space, only a folder, etc.
I'm hesitant to put any amount of important data into clickup knowing that if for any reason someone screws something up or something causes data loss, there's no good way to ensure I'm able to restore all of it.
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Michael Lane
Hi, this request may be scattered across several places because there is no category for it in the dropdown list when requesting features. It is an obvious one. The current download feature is not a backup in any true sense. If you try to restore it you'll discover it doesn't really work and it doesn't include all the comments, attachments, etc. It may be OK to demonstrate a list of items but it is not even close to a true backup.
We've been reduced to duplicating the entire space and then modifying the permissions to lock it down. This "works" but is very manual and requires someone to remember to do it which is risky. We love clickup and the more central it is to our processes the less acceptable it is not to have a robust backup and rollback system available (the deleted folder isn't enough).

Grainne Arif
Really need this, being able to FULLY backup everything and then restore, ideally on a scheduled basis, would be perfect.
Flávio Lemos
What is missing for this topic to be at the top?
THIS IS VITAL to trust.
Flávio Lemos
This is so important. I don't know how the Clickup engineering team didn't think of this.
For many users this is vital.

Pascal Vuylsteker
Hey ClickUp, it would be great if you could characterise and sort out suggestions with high voting rate. That would communicate the message that the important subjects are understood by you.
In case you missed the signal, Full BackUp is a request with very high reoccurences. Here are just a few instances :

Victoria Walker
This is so vital to having faith and security in using ClickUp (or any cloud system). Please ClickUp - add this one to the list!

(old) Vik Kumar
The ability to import all existing task infomation back into ClickUp after exporting. I.e. having the same csv header field in the input csv file upload as the export csv file.
This is particularly helpful if we would like to do bulk updates such as changing the space, or moving certain tasks from one workspace into another.
I'm surprised this isn't ranking higher.

Kathy Beurer
Yes, please, a way to do a real and complete backup including attachments, etc would be most reassuring!

Yes. Please support real backup. JSON, XML, CSV, whatever, as long as the data is complete and can be imported to recreate the account.
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