Edit templates and see more about each template inside the template center!
Michelle D.
I shouldn't have to create a task, apply a template, edit the task, then save the template.
I should be able to edit the template directly in the template centre, then close the template centre when finished.
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Robert Hudman
This would make template management so much easier! :)
Daniel Schlichter
having some form of preview of the template would be priceless for editing. only having included fields is really limiting. should be able to click somewhere and have an active preview that is editable to modify and update it.
Joshua Perez
- We should be able to view the Template Center in a compact list view.
- We should be able to show or hide columns/fields i.e. assignees, creator, custom fields included.
- Each task template/or template should have its unique URL so we can one-click navigate to that template.
- We should be able to see duplicates of templates with the same name by simply clicking one button called show duplicates.
- A wider working area in the Templates Center
Trenton Moore
Simon Ihlenfeldt
OMG, it is planned. That will be a GAME CHANGER. Can't wait!
Ceasar Wallington
It's such a hassle to go through all those steps. Editing templates directly in the template center would make things so much smoother. By the way, have you checked out the argumentative essay samples at https://studyhelper.com/argumentative-essay-samples? They might come in handy for crafting convincing arguments about this!
Laura Reebe
Ceasar Wallington Https://studyhelper.com is not an active domain
Brendan W
webks: websolutions kept simple
Brendan W GREAT news! This is so important, essentially templates are unusable for us so far, as we can't really edit them without what feels like a workaround. Thank you!
Juan Manuel Aguirre
Same thing for file templates!
Brendan W
under review
Julius Förster
Brendan W Thank you 🥹 I’ve been waiting for this day for years
Danielle Moore
Brendan W Thank you!!! Having to go through all the extra steps to update a template is terrible. Especially when you have tasks inside of lists assigned to people based on particular dates. The employees get really irritated when they see these tasks pop up, but they're only there as a result of needing to update/change the template.
Abby Murphy
Brendan W This made my day!! Thank you!!
Brendan W Big hype
Brendan W cool !!! I really wish to be able to edit my task templates directly in the template center. For now, I keep all my templates "models" in a dedicated space but it's really tedious to update my source / click the update template btn, select the correct template, select what to update...
So I can't wait for it!
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