Dashboards in the sidebar
Jonathon Popphan
Being able to create and use Dashboards within a Hierarchy location (Space or Folder) would be huge! Sort of like how Docs and Whiteboards can be added there.
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Lily Chan
in progress
This is currently in QA testing!
Lily Chan
Dashboards are now available in the sidebar hierarchy! You can move Dashboard views to/from Dashboards in the sidebar hierarchy too.
Moving of locationless Dashboards (Dashboards created in the Hub) to and from views/sidebar is not supported yet. Please vote on this feature request to stay up-to-date on progress of moving locationless Dashboards: https://feedback.clickup.com/feature-requests/p/move-dashboards-from-locations-lists
Lily Chan
Kaitlyn Minshall - as an FYI, we opened up the Dashboard view restrictions so you can now have Dashboard views that can visualize data outside of the location that the Dashboard view is on. Reference the last entry in this release notes: https://doc.clickup-stg.com/333/d/ad-1002505/2024-release-notes/ad-4141805/release-3-37
Also, we are in QA for Dashboards in sidebar, so that should be releasing soon too. Thanks!
Bernhard Lengl
Lily Chan doesn't work for Cards, added to the Overview section....
Lily Chan
Bernhard Lengl: Yes, Overviews are still restricted to the location. The original intention of Overviews were to provide a summary of the location and an easy way to navigate and understand what's in that location.
But I'm curious - do you use/differentiate Overviews and Dashboards differently in any way?
Lily Chan I like overview. It would be nice to condense down the bookmarks, resources, docs, etc. that way we have more roof for reports. Take up too much. Also, some macro type buttons to quickly toggle through pages, reports or numbers so you can get the data you need at your fingertips
Lily Chan
in progress
This is currently in QA testing!
Lily Chan
Hi everyone! We are trying to unify edit mode and protect mode so that we can continue moving towards having Dashboards in the sidebar hierarchy and having a more consistent experience between standalone Dashboards and Dashboard views. Is there any opposition to getting rid of edit mode and JUST having protect mode so that it's aligned with all other places in the app?
Melanie von Schorlemer
Lily Chan It would make sense to create different permission levels on the Dashboard - as you have it for the lists. Standard = viewing, People with permissions Comment, Edit and Full
Evan Olson
Lily Chan will this Protect Mode be limited to Business Plus & Enterprise plans?
Lily Chan
Evan Olson - this is still in scoping but initial thought was to first reskin edit mode to the protect button so the behavior would be the same (anybody with access to the Dashboard can unprotect), so that we can first unblock Dashboards in the sidebar.
Then in next iteration, support more granular permissions at higher tier plans (i.e. who can unprotect, who has view/edit permissions, etc similar to Docs/Views) - this FR: https://clickup.canny.io/feature-requests/p/dashboards-protected-view
Vincent borre Villarreal
Please assist my request esue
Vincent borre Villarreal
Lily Chan
Merged in a post:
Dashboard view of tasks from multiple Lists at the List level
Kaitlyn Minshall
It would be nice to be able to see tasks from multiple lists within a dashboard at the list level. For example, one department has their own space/lists/tasks within ClickUp, but often collaborate with another department, which also has their space/lists/tasks. In order to see all these tasks for their entire department, they need to go back and forth between their own space and another space to see all of the tasks related to them. In their own department's list dashboard view, it would be nice to include cards with tasks form multiple lists so that they can see everything they need to in one place.
Lily Chan
We are planning on tackling this functionality after Dashboard views are rolled out to Folders and Spaces.
Lily Chan
Kaitlyn Minshall Thank you for your feedback. In the settings for a Dashboard card, you can select multiple locations to reference. See the image for an example. Does this solve your need?
Kaitlyn Minshall
Lily Chan I recently had a chat with a support team member and they advised me to submit this request. While I can select multiple locations when I create a dashboard card from the dashboard hub, I cannot add that specific dashboard to a list view. In short, I was told that there was no way to be able to create a task list table dashboard card within a specific list view that pulls the tasks from the location of a different list.
Lily Chan
Kaitlyn Minshall Thanks for the clarification. That's correct, a Dashboard at the view level would automatically filter to the specific location that it is on. Soon, there will be an ability to add a Dashboard to the left-hand-side sidebar (in the hierarchy), and it would allow you to reference other locations, outside of the location it exists in the hierarchy.
Would this meet your needs?
If so, I'll merge this request into the existing "Dashboards in sidebar" so that you'll receive the latest updates.
Kaitlyn Minshall
Lily Chan Yes, that would meet my needs.
Vincent borre Villarreal
Kaitlyn Minshall