Move Dashboards from locations / lists
Kelly Amelink
Move dashboards from or to lists - I made a few dashboards through the dashboard hub for clients. Works great. Later on I discovered that dashboards are also available as a view in lists. I tried moving my dashboard to the desired client list, but couldn't find an option for that.
In the dashboard hub I have the 'Location' column on, and saw that when making a dashboard in a list, the location column got filled with that list. I tried clicking it, but to no avail. Also there is no 'change location' button in the dashboard overview, as we know them from tasks, to switch tasks between lists.
Could this be added? I have to remake every dashboard now to be able to also access them from my client list and not only through the hub.
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Helen Gamage
We cannot move dashboards from the Hub to the sidebar or views - ones which were not created within the structure/hierachy.
Lily Chan
Merged in a post:
Select an Existing Dashboard to add as a View in a space/folder/list
SR Brothers-McGrew
Our org has a number of Dashboards that have been built in the Dashboard hub over time.
Now that Dashboards are able to be added as Views, it would be extremely useful to have the ability to choose an existing dashboard to add as a View in a space/folder/list, as opposed to having to create an entirely new Dashboard from scratch as the sole option.