Add lead/lag times between dependencies
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Will Kersten
I second this - it's basic need for project management software. In addition to lead/lag times, we need the ability to set a duration (say 1 week) plus a lead lag time, to have a task be backwards scheduled based on a fixed end date.
Allegra Kochman
Great, please notify me and my team lead thanks!
Anthony C.
Anthony C.
Merged in a post:
Add lead or lag time to a task dependencies
When a task finish, next task doesn't always start immediately. I will like ability to add lead or lag time between dependencies so task B will start X days after task A is done,
Is this similar to one of the top feature requests? Should it be merged Caroline Ginty?
Caroline Ginty
Great explanation! I had no idea about the lead/lag times concept for dependencies. I think this would be a great addition.
Big thanks for merging it all into one place, and thank you for taking the time to provide these details.
+ Thank you Caroline for the redirect
Reed Piernock
I would very much like the ability to add a due date of a dependency based on the due date of a certain day, like "the Monday before the third Friday of the month" (based on an actual example I need!). Since the Monday before the third Friday could be either the second OR the third Monday of the month, I can't quite get the due dates right.
Ronnie Wagman
I'm not sure if its exactly been covered here, but simply to be able to set a tasks due date to be relative to the marked completion of its dependent task.
Current dependency rescheduling requires that you adjust the due date manually and all others will then be shifted. We have certain tasks that may take several days one time or several weeks another.
In these cases, continually checking and "kicking the can" of the due date down the road is cumbersome. Rather, it would be much easier if the dependent task had no assigned due date until its blocking task was completed and was then assigned the X number of days from that moment.
However, for Gantt view purposes to still appear with the X number of days beyond the soft due date of the dependent task.
Robert Lee
Please add this functionality! It would be very helpful.
Caroline Ginty
Merged in a post:
Set dates based on other task dates
Emily Airey
Allow for a due date to be (for example) 2 days prior to a certain task. To backwards plan based on a set date.
Caroline Ginty
Thanks Emily Airey! I'm going to merge this into the existing FR to add your vote there!
Caroline Ginty: yes please! And to have dependencies automatically update if the precursor date changes.
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