View tags in List view on mobile
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Syd H
Being able to see tags in a list view is integral for sorting things properly, and seems very important to have as a mobile feature.

Merged in a post:
Add tags and contexts to list view

Lexi Weinberg
Tags exist but I can’t view on mobile as a sortable column. Contexts don’t seem to be a type and it seems like a basic GTD concept that should be an option (eg at the office, errands, home, big brain time, small brain time 😂)
Dan Messer
I also would like this feature

Merged in a post:
Be able to see tags in mobile

Joe Murray
I want to be able see tags easily on mobile without having to click on the task.

Merged in a post:
Tags don't show

Yamen Mardini
Isn't it essential to view task tags on the mobile app? Why is this feature neglected?

Hi everyone!
If we added Tags to List view on mobile, what is the behavior that you would expect?
A.) See Tags next to task name like on the web app, even when they make the task row height really tall
B.) See Tags next to task name like on the web app, but truncate them to fit the normal task row height ("Tag1, Tag2, Tag3...")
C.) Have tags as a column like other fields / Custom Fields and fit as many as you can and then truncate like in B
Matthias Thoen
Joey: make an option to either display next to task name, or below task name
Joey: First choice would be option A, with a toggle to show/hide all tags across all tasks. Second choice would be option B, with the ability to expand/collapse the truncated list per-task.

Adelmo Galindo
Joey: A.
Dan Messer
Joey: I guess B is my choice

Merged in a post:
In list view in mobile not able to see the tag
It would be great to have at least a tag color icon with a hint on click.
Igor Skibenko
Maybe it is a good feature, although I can't see an easy way to clutter mobile space with this feature. If anything, I'd like to see an option to turn Tags off, just in case this feature will downgrade mobile ergonomics to a terrible level of the previous app...
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