Offline functionality on mobile
in progress
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Hey everyone! We have been making incremental improvements for a while now, making more of our app offline capable.
Since last year, we have added:
- Automatic offline downloading of tasks for reading later. This enables offline viewing of tasks that have been opened in the past on mobile.
- Automatic downloading of Docs that you view as well.
- Automatic downloading of tasks on Home and your inbox to make it lightning fast to open items most relevant to you.
- Caching mechanisms to use less internet when on the go, and to still show you the most up to date content.
- Offline queueing of attachments uploaded, allowing you navigate around the app while your files upload.
- Offline hierarchy system that is cached and updated frequently so browsing Spaces, Lists, or Folders in your hierarchy is fast, reliable, even with slow internet. Built into the sidebar and soon in Home, Task Creation, Search, and Location picker.
But I want to check in and make sure that we are still focusing on the right things, so can you please take 2 mins to fill out this survey?
Would help a lot, thanks! 💜
I agree with all the people that say “Writing a doc in mobile is the worse experience”. But I love ClickUp and is the best all in one software
I would recommend take inspiration from Apple Notes and TickTick offline capabilities and Writing experience on Mobile.
Both have a great experience.
The most important for me as a user right now is being capable of capturing my stuff (First step of GTD) so I can process it later on my Mac.
Bc I’m traveling a lot an moving and sometimes I don’t have internet I solved this by paying the annual subscription of TickTick, Paying Make, learning both softwares and syncing new tasks in TickTick to apear on ClickUp.
That’s how much I would appreciate the improvement of quick capture new task offline experience and improved mobile writing.
Takeaways: copy TickTick offline experience, copy Apple Notes writing experience
- A lover of ClickUp
Brayden Fielding
It's so important to be able to edit tasks & docs while offline without the entire thing being "locked" if we stop using it. I don't need all the fancy dashboards and everything, just access to edit tasks and docs!
Stephen Karpathakis
This is one of the major pains of the mobile app. Lets say you lose cell service and need to type in a note or task. If your not connected online. it won't save allow you to save or update anything.
Merged in a post:
True offline capabilities on mobile
Lenin Ramirez-Sanchez
Please, include true and more featured offline capabilities on mobile apps. Just adding a task is not enough. Other more simpler task managers have done it in the past.
Thanks for this request!
Mazen Mokhtar
Without offline functionality, I have to use a separate Task Management app. The most essential features are: Create and edit tasks when offline, then create and edit documents when offline.
Guy Mannerings
Because of the whole "having to click the edit button" thing, creating a Note/editing a Task Description/editing a Doc does not work when offline or in a bad signal area.
It's a huge, huge problem.
This is a mobile app - it NEEDS to work offline and in bad signal areas.
It should just sync changes when back online.
Guy Mannerings
BUG: Tasks in "Recents" do NOT update their Task Description unless you click the edit button, then close it.
I.e., if you update the Task Description on a laptop then open on mobile, the old Task Description will show until you click the edit button on mobile.
Jose Antonio
Hey everyone! We have been making incremental improvements for a while now, making more of our app offline capable.
Since last year, we have added:
- Automatic offline downloading of tasks for reading later. This enables offline viewing of tasks that have been opened in the past on mobile.
- Automatic downloading of Docs that you view as well.
- Automatic downloading of tasks on Home and your inbox to make it lightning fast to open items most relevant to you.
- Caching mechanisms to use less internet when on the go, and to still show you the most up to date content.
- Offline queueing of attachments uploaded, allowing you navigate around the app while your files upload.
- Offline hierarchy system that is cached and updated frequently so browsing Spaces, Lists, or Folders in your hierarchy is fast, reliable, even with slow internet. Built into the sidebar and soon in Home, Task Creation, Search, and Location picker.
But I want to check in and make sure that we are still focusing on the right things, so can you please take 2 mins to fill out this survey?
Would help a lot, thanks! 💜
Grant Small
Joey I have completed survey. I would think that the use case for this functionality is obvious. The inability to work in ClickUp whilst travelling, etc is so basic. Surely this should have been done ages ago. So much fancy functionality and yet basic offline functionality missing.
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