Natural language in Task creation - ability to to add “due date” and “assign to” in the title of the task, etc.
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Gerry Wallace
Todoist did this really well. For a company focused on task management, project management, and work execution, this should be a priority. It’s core to ClickUp’s mission and aligns with their values, especially 1, 3, 7, and 10.
Tessa Wnk
I can't believe this hasnt been updated yet. Especially with Clickup AI, theres really no excuse to be this far behind the curve. It is painful to click and scroll and select all the little details. I just want to be able to type " #project/list do such-and-such on this date" and have it make a task in the right spot. I would love to use Clickup for a GTD braindump system but it takes forever to add a simple task. Todoist is a great system for this to get ideas from.
Marco Hanke
Is here any chance to get this integratet? Datepicker in Clickup is pias and Creating tasks in natural language would be so awesome
New Task: Meeting with Jane, Thursday from 8.30 Uhr till 12.00. List Marketing, Status in Progress
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Allow to set due date with Natural language feature when direct sharing of a content in mobile
Allow to set due date with Natural language feature when direct sharing of a content in mobile. I can only see selection of list in Iphone
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ANDROID - natural language recognition whilst task creation.
Are there any plans under consideration to implement and utilize natural language capabilities towards creation of new tasks in an ANDROID app? Maybe with imolementation of Inbox 2.0, imolementation of natural language capabilities should naturally ensue.
Here is why.
The fundamental idea of classic GTD is to free your mind by recording any idea that comes your mind ASAP. In TODOIST the task input creation works blazingly fast. This feature alone has won over hundred thousands of Todoist users and drags several hundreds of others back on board.
And in ClickUp, I feel, it just takes too many clicks when using a mobile version to write down a task and instantly assign it to a proper (i) space and (II) project, then (iii) select a date and time, and finally (iiii) asribe contexts/tags, all done in Todoist via, respectively, the "#" for projects, natural language for dates and timing, "@" for adding context.
If we could emulate this functionality appropriately in ClickUp with respect to just selection of spaces/projects and assignment of contexts/tags, entering of tasks would be breezingly smooth, whereas now it feels somewhat cumbersome, at least from my perspective.
That said, other users seem to feel in the same vein, cf. latest observations of @ThomasFrank.
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Natural language dates
Erik Fikkert
It’d be nice if things like due dates would use natural language like the web app does
For example “April 27” would say “Wednesday” if it’s the next Wednesday.
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Natural language Integration
Daniel Andrews
When creating tasks if you write "to be done tomorrow", "start/done on x date", "get done in x days", "due by next week" in the task header or description this will automatically change their respected inputs.
This will majority increase productivity and allows the user to write whats on their mind! Hopes this helps!
Thank you for your time!
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Walk the dog [tonight]
Kae Pi
It will be helpful if we can simply type out words like tonight/tomorrow/later in the title and it automatically sets the date/time.
1) Walk the dog tonight at 8pm
2) Paper due tomorrow at Noon
✓ tonight/tomorrow > sets schedule of due date as specified date.
✓ 8pm/Noon > sets schedule of due time along with the day/date
This was something I enjoyed from a different app that I would love to have as a feature in Clickup!
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Natural language detection
Mohammed Shabeeb P
Tick tick is a good example of everything I need with regards to natural language processing in relation to creating tasks.
I need to be able to input dates manually such as year for example. I had to add date of birth for the client, which was 1999. It was the a nightmare to scroll all those years back to get to the point. Please make it possible in CU to use manual input.
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