Location Based Reminders
Dan King
Hello, I would love to get location-based reminders on iOS (and not to be selfish - I’m sure getting them on Android would be great too)
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Wojciech Stanko
Love to see this functionality!
Wojciech Stanko
I think this functionality is also game changer !! I need it !! I hope to see it s
Chad Popham
Wow! Almost 4 years and 519 votes and not much has been communicated that this feature is being taken seriously. We are seeing many others making this happen for their users.
Please give us an update.
Rob Stein
Dan King, I agree, this feature would be amazing. I had it when I was "hooked" on Omnifocus. It was the 1 feature they had that kept bringing me back to that app whenever I would try a new one.
How I would imagine it would work would be to have a range within a specific GPS location that would trigger the reminder. For example within 3 miles of my corporate office? or within 1 mile of home.
The reason this would be useful is many of us work from many different locations so being able to have some to do's that are triggered by a location would help us.
Another valuable use case in my mind is that you could tie locations to customers that you may have in clickup, then you can trigger follow up actions when you are near that customer location.
Hoping this can get on the radar for the dev team sooner rather than later.
Shreyansh Jain
Joey Will we see this feature?
It was once planned and then demoted to Open again
This would be really good to implement agenda wise or context wise (Refer:GTD) lists
Hamed Hajinabi
Only feature, clickup lack of that compare to other similar apps/softwares
Please work on that
Every personal and business need this option
Michal Jiráň
Would be amazing! I'm using this on iOS reminders a lot. "remind me when I leave this place, when I get to work.. or to my car." Awesome :)
Merged in a post:
Location Based Reminders
Wes Brummette
[from YouTube comment] Ability to be notified when you arrive at a location. Mobile or desktop
Dan King
Joey: Nice!
Liad Solenko
Any progress here?
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