Add ability to translate app to any language by user created translation file
Add ability for the end user to switch to any language by translating all by its own for example with uploading some xml file with "usa text/user translation". Dont waste time for translation and qa. Just give ability to download in what way this file should be provided and give ability to upload it somewhere in settings section. After uploading just apply it in the app. It will expand using the app with many other languages at once and close the topic with multy language transltion.
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Thanks for this. We are working on adding more languages to the app right now and we are trying to get it shipped in January.
That being said, I want to explain why this idea unfortunately wouldn't work well with our app. We continuously change the strings used in our app due to changes in our UI, and this also includes naming of the strings. There are also parts of our app where long translated strings may break the UI as they only allow for X number of characters for example.
This is a good idea, but in practice I unfortunately don't think it would work. That being said, we will keep this request open and after we ship our localization feature – i can chat with the localization team here to see if this is something that our company wants to consider in the future!