More Granular Slack Notification Options
in progress
Christina Carey
I would like to have more control over Slack notifications. Such as only getting notices when a task is marked as complete, not every time the status is changed.
It would also be nice to get a private notification in Slack when a task assigned to me has an upcoming due date.
A bot in Slack would be helpful as well. Where I could ask what do I have coming up or to tell me the status of a task.
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Tadej Jevševar
Hey everyone! We're exploring improvements to our Slack integration, and we would love your feedback. Please take this 2-minute survey to share your thoughts.
Tadej Jevševar
in progress
Tadej Jevševarcan you share what you plan to deliver? If slack can be used in automations, just like email, would be meeting my requirements.
Tadej Jevševar
Hi Ruud. We are working on project what will allow you to select Slack as a destination (among Inbox, Email, Desktop app, Mobile app) and choose which ClickUp notifications (assigned comments, assigned tasks, etc.) you want to receive in Slack ClickUp app. We would love to hear more what you would like to see us build for ClickUp Automations and Slack integration.
Tadej Jevševar good that you highlight that, because this would indeed not benefit me. We currently use zapier to trigger in certain lists, with certain status changes a message to slack. So that is why I was comparing it to email automation setup.
Tadej Jevševar
Ruud: what would be beneficial to you?
Tadej Jevševaruse it similar to email automations. Add a slack action in automations. E.g. If status changes from x to y, send slack message to channel A, and setup message contents, similar to email.
Tadej Jevševar but I might be in the wrong topic for this.
Edit, reading the original topic, that is in line. Just allow us to use automations. I would have more value out of that, but I assume your survey gave better insight in what your customers need.
I live daily in Clickup, so I don't need all the notifications, except the inbox. I do however want to inform specific other products. E.g. updating a slack message on a highly critical bug, or notifying a team member when a task is in a status that is actionable for him.
Hopefully this provides some insight
Tadej Jevševar
Ruud: Thanks for providing more context. What we are working on is to offer a new "destination" (among Inbox, Email, Desktop app, Mobile app) for ClickUp notifications. But, we will consider adding Slack integration into ClickUp Automations for sure.
Tadej Jevševar I understand. The proposed setup is not for me, I need more detail. I'll resort to zapier for now.
Emerson Farrugia
We can't trust ClickUp to notify us of changes via Slack. It should be as simple as "If I'm a task watcher, notify me in Slack.", the same way it works for email.
While annoying, it's easy enough to set up a private Slack channel to receive those notifications. But what's impossible and infuriating is that we have to resort to polling our email inbox to get updates from ClickUp for tasks we're watching. It's 2024, this is table stakes functionality.
Tomasz Kozera
It should have an option to exclude sending updates that I did myself, e.g. when I change the status the bot informs me "oh, look, the status has changed" -duh.
Tadej Jevševar
under review
Tadej Jevševar
Hey everyone! We're exploring improvements to our Slack integration, and we would love your feedback. Please take this 2-minute survey to share your thoughts.
Robert Hudman
I would like to have all my ClickUp Notifications (Inbox etc) Slacked to me (and each team member) via the ClickUp App in Slack.
This would perfectly in HubSpot (Ref: and would love to do this in ClickUp.
Aim is that Slack is for all notifications.
Tadej Jevševar
Robert Hudman: Thanks for your feedback. We are currently working on this. What are types of ClickUp notifications are the most important for you that we must support?
Robert Hudman
Hi Tadej Jevševar
The #1 thing overall for us is that users can customise their notifications individually, and that the notifications operate by sending notifications through Slack ClickUp Bot to each person based on their notification preferences.
Generally speaking, we are happy with the current notification customisations, however we want to be able to direct these through to Slack.
Laura Huskins
Also, for a coherent communication framework in which clickup is the source of truth for project level communication, it is essential for the chat view on a list to be able to be pulled through to a slack channel. The comments on a task coming through to slack is excellent, but we need to be able to communicate at the project/ list level, or everyone will still have to exit clickup for this communication which reduces compliance with clickup as the source of project truth and starts the fragmentation of communication into other channels such as email. slack, etc. It would follow that this would then also make sense at the folder and space level as well.
Tasha Raynard
Yes, Absolutely need the ability to get notifications for specific status' rather than all. For our developers channel, we want notifications for status changes that affect them (Reworks, Merge Requests etc). Our QA team/channel need notifications specific to them (tasks moved to QA or UAT status) and Project Managers need notifications specific to them as well (tasks moved to needs information, blocked, approved etc).
All status changes just spams a channel rather than providing useful and efficient info.
Surya Santos
The same as everyone is saying.
- Get a bot that DMs the user in Slack
- Let the user choose what type of notifications he wants to get. Be granular: mentions, tasks being watched, etc...
- Let the admin set it up for all the users.
That's pretty much it, and we want it for yesterday.
Thanks :)
Dylan Rothman
Our team has having a hard time building the habit of moving from Slack to ClickUp.
More granular notification options would allow our team to make more use of ClickUp!
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