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Tadej Jevševar
The integration is now available on IFTTT[] website.
Martin Currie
I thought the ClickUp team always set things as done when they were complete so we got notification that we could start using/testing the new functionality. I cancelled my grandfathered IFTTT Pro account a while back but was recently told by IFTTT that there is now a ClickUp integration:
What does everyone think?
Martin Currie
Ivan Villa you mentioned a webhooks workaround for this a couple of years ago, but a year later Михаил Чурса said it doesn't work. Before I spend too much time trying to implement something, can you confirm if IFTTT webhooks from ClickUp are working for you?
Михаил Чурса
Martin Currie: I don't use clickup now (I've had enough of promises and stuff) as it is unreliable and there are a lot of bugs. Waiting for an update, version 3 - maybe it will get better. IFTTT replaced with n8n - everything works there. n8n is free and really just fantastically cool, Great product!
Chris Nel
This would be an amazing addition!
Vlad Shevchenko
Please make sure that we have an option to create Reminders, not only Tasks.
Yes please add this.
Carlos CG
Make this happen please!
Jason Stone
Since I can set a reminder using Siri in iOS Reminders (but not yet in ClickUp Reminders), I really need ClickUp to integrate with IFTTT so the Reminder will automatically be synced from iOS Reminders to the IFTTT app. While the current Zapier integration is nice, Zapier is more expensive than IFTTT. Please consider adding integration with IFTTT. PLEASE. Thank you.
Pablo Burgos
IFTTT allow for a world of integrations with other apps....The only missing integration I need.
Ash DelVillan
+1. My team would really like IFTTT support so we could connect ClickUp and our Vestaboard without weird workarounds.
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