Automation Sharing & Permissions
Leonard Febrianto
I just encountered about sharing & permissions in task. I think it would be beneficial if Clickup added a feature in automations to add / remove sharing.
Please consider about this. Thank you.
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Felix Schmidt
We would like to share a task with a person that is selected from a User/Person drop-down via an automation. Our use case is: Nobody except for the manager has access to a task. He then selects an employee to work on that task. The missing piece in our case is adding the sharing for the user to be able to automatically assign the task to the employee.
Mauricio Rocha
Same as Rachel and others complain, we need to share manualy all cards and if we have an automation to do this when requests are made by form will help a lot our team.
Rachel Dupuis
This would be very helpful for us as well. We have a couple forms that Team Members fill out for requests from Finance, Operations, etc. These go into lists that only the related team has access to. We do not want every member to be able to see every request but we would like them to be able to see, edit, comment on their own requests. We are having to manually share each task right now.
It would be extremely helpful to be able to set up an automation to share the task with the requester.
Jenni Skarsten
At the very minimum it would be great to add permissions to the task creator to continue to be able to edit the task after the task has been moved to a folder that they don't have access to.
Use case: When someone submits a task to our HR team, we use a form on a list that is viewable by all users. We have an automation set to immediately move the task to a list within a folder that is private to only the HR team members. The problem we have is that the task creator loses permissions to the task and they cannot add comments or make edits to the task going forward. If they search for it, they can see only the status of it but cannot open it.
Wim Delfs
We work in a very large organization and each project can have a very diverse group of employees. To assign permissions for access, it would be helpful to be able to assign this through a 'people' field. In our case for the main tasks but possibly this would also be wanted for lists.
Any news on this?
Lucie Lednik Timiopulu
Seriously needed to be able to provide specific tasks to some users only in view mode and to some users in edit mode, which was decided based on an automation.
Xavier Burns
I agree fully - this is critical to specifying what can be viewed!
Mo Bilal
This is crucial to our workflow, especially for our Expenses Form. When staff fill in the form, it should only be visible to themselves and the Finance department.
However, to allow all staff to be able to assign their name, currently have to have the space viewable to all staff.
It would be great if we can automate the submitted form to change sharing access once submitted only to those who need to view it!
Guillermo Sisterna
Good afternoon, we would like to check the status of the request.
It's very important to us. Or do you have an alternative?
I appreciate it!
Alberto Bovo
Please add the possibility to change permissions to task or folder with automations
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