we need this to sync, also apple notes
Ben Cosford
Surely this is fairly basic. If the lightweight calendars app that I use can manage it, I’m sure ClickUp can.
Samuel Schneider
Joey we need this!!
Robbert van Schravendijk
Serious clickup????
Merged in a post:
iOS Reminders Capture
Sarah Anderson
Automatic import of items from the iOS Reminders app (like Omnifocus has).
Will help you recruit the millions of Apple userbase. Click ios app already lacks the feature to add widgets showing specific task list. At one or 2 ways sync is needed
Andrew Graff
This really, really needs to be done. But until that time, I have figured out how to do this using iOS Shortcuts. (Still no excuse for ClickUp, you NEED TO DO THIS!) But for everyone waiting patiently, here's how. Step 1, get the "inbox" email address from ClickUp and create a contact in iOS Contacts. Step 2, create a shortcut - see image #1. Use the Contact that you created with the ClickUp inbox email address as the contact to mail to. Make sure to uncheck "show compose sheet" in the email step of the shortcut, otherwise it will stop the process and show you the email before sending. Step 3, create a second shortcut to delete the reminder after the first shortcut has run - see image #2. Step 4, make sure to use native iOS mail and set up with any email account you like. Step 5, go into Settings > Shortcuts > Advanced and toggle on "Allow Deleting Without Confirmation" - see image #3. This is important so this process moves without any interaction from the user. Step 6, go into the shortcut that you created to delete the reminder. Go into settings in the shortcut and select the tab "Privacy" and select "Delete Without Asking" from the drop down next to Reminders - see image #4. That's it! Now you can use Siri to create a reminder. Next you can say, "Hey Siri, {Name of your Shortcut}" and it will now automatically email the Reminder you created to your inbox in ClickUp and then delete the Reminder. I added an "iOS" tag to the Shortcut so I know when I look on ClickUp that it came from my Reminders. This entire process is done handsfree. Not as good as a real integration, but it gets the job done.
Christian Andrade
Andrew Graff: Dude... you, sir. You are the man.
Andrew Graff: Nice, can you publish the siri shortcut somewhere? Thanks :)
Andrew Graff: You are a Genius and seriously helped me save much time.
BTW. ClickUp-Siri-Reminder Feature is a must have!
James Kurtz
Andrew Graff: YES! Thank you. Just set this up and it's working great. Couple things I did a bit differently I added <assign me> to the text so that it doesn't get lost as unassigned when it comes in. I also setup automations so that it runs several times throughout the day instead of having to tell siri to run it. Thanks so much! For sure would be best if this was just built in but it's better than nothing.
David E. Liddell
Andrew Graff: I'm so bad with Shortcuts. It there anyway to send this shortcut?
Andrew Graff
David E. Liddell: Yes there is. If you PM me your email address, I will email you a iCloud link.
Andrew Graff: I know this is an old post but if you still use this iOS Shortcut I would be very grateful if you wouldn't mind emailing me the link when you have time 😊
I created a scenario in Make to watch for Reminders and then send them to ClickUp but I would prefer to use Shortcuts 😄
Oh never mind, I just found how to add a reminder or task directly into ClickUp using Siri 😀
Andrew Graff: any chance you could share the Shortcuts with me? I entered it just as you have on the screen, but for some reason it's still not working correctly.
James Kurtz: JAMES, any chance you could share with me your Shortcuts?
James Kurtz: any chance you can send me the shortcut? I created one but it didnt't work. I such at this ha!
David E. Liddell: David do you have the shor cut
Janita Shelton
Andrew Graff: Thank you so much for this!
Even though they have offically integrated Siri now, i've never once gotton it to work. Siri always cuts off before i get to the phrase 'in ClickUp' .. and it's such and awkward sentence to say...
Thanks again. : )
Janita Shelton
Bec: Hi, Bec. Are you having success with using the Siri Integration? I've never once gotton it to work. Siri always cuts off before i get to the phrase 'in ClickUp' .. and it's such and awkward sentence to say...
Hi Janita. I don't actually use this method anymore. I did get it to work but found it way too wordy and I kept either getting confused about whether I was adding a reminder or a task or else forgetting the exact name of the List I wanted to add the task to 😆
I now use IFTTT to create ClickUp tasks from ios Reminders. It's free and sooo simple compared to Make, Shortcuts and the ClickUp integration with Siri. I just use a basic Applet which automatically adds every reminder I create as a task in ClickUp almost immediately. You can however set it up so that a reminder added to a nominated list in ios Reminders is added to a specific List in ClickUp.
Janita Shelton
Bec: Ha! Same! Thanks for the tip! 😁
Janita: You're very welcome 😊
Peter K Martel
This still isn't done?? How many potential ClickUp users use iPhones and thus have access to Siri and Reminders??
Danielle Johnson
Yes! If reminders could be added by having the workplace name be the same as the list in Apple Reminders and then it would all be connected
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