We should be able to remove custom fields from specific spaces.
Samantha Johnson
When I chose to view my custom fields in the Everything view all of my custom fields from one space are now stuck in all spaces. I can't remove them without deleting the custom field everywhere?
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Domingo Echenique
The fact that you can set a custom field to Space level, but you cannot undo it (in the business plan at least), is a major issue.

Caroline Ginty
Merged in a post:
Custom Fields should not be tied to workspaces, spaces, folders or lists
Elana Cohen
it's very easy to accidentally create a custom field in the wrong workspace and then it's impossible to move it unless you pay to upgrade to business plan. the fields should exist independently from the spaces, folders and lists. you should be able to add them anywhere you want, and remove them from anywhere. right now that feature exists to move them, but not at the workspace level, and you the only other option is to delete it completely, which would now affect the rest of the lists using it, and so i cannot remove it from any spaces that should not have it.

Daniel Schlichter
I have a specific case use that comes in similar to this issue.
We are implementing architecture project management in clickup. Base off the Construction space template, we found a project info list with a "header" check box that allows you to filter your space view base on the tasks that are headers.
GREAT! wonderful! Except...
All the CFs in the Project info task must be in the Space to be visible in the view. This creates a major issue for us as it adds all those CFs to each folder and list even though we absolutely do not need the info. This issue is duplicated with our other list with specific CFs which we all want to see and manage in the Space view, but without adding to the folders and every single list in the folder...
Being able to set CFs to "non inheritible" or something similar would allow to individualise each list to their specific needs and remove unecessary and unwanted CFs.
And this even within a folder! I want to see all my CFs in the folder overview even when not all my lists have the CF.

Natalie Williams
Daniel Schlichter there's a releated thread with this issue of not being able to view CFs at the space/workspace level WITHOUT having them added everywhere.
I've added a few other relevant threads in the comments of it as well after spending a couple of hours again today fixing an issue with a CF added to a space when data was viewed. This really needs to be prioritized that we have the ability to view CFs at higher levels without adding them.
Enforcing Custom Fields (CFs) at the root level workspace are a fantastic way to maintain consistency across the company's spaces. However, as mentioned in another comment, some spaces may not require specific CFs and may even create confusion when they are present. Private spaces are also affected by the inheritance.
Currently (v3.0), maintainers are forced to manually add CFs, one at a time, to each space location - this is a large time sink if there are many CFs & spaces. This process also introduces the possibility of inconsistency in the event a new space is added and forget to add these CFs. Having the ability to disable the inheritance at the space level would be a huge add.

Natalie Williams
Agreed 10,000%. I've got a CF that was mistakenly added at the workspace level when a calendar view was created (with NO warning prompt that this was about to occur) and now the field is everywhere but it's only needed on certain lists. There is no way to change its location now unless a new field is created and the data manually transferred, which would take days.

Brandon Hallock
Hurry Hurry lol same issue... Visually unpleasing. In the expanded view of a "task", the fields are a mess. Try to delete and it wants to remove them on everything else that uses it. Should at least have a real hide option where it's not visible at all. The main area it bugs me in, is I have a "Client Space" when you click the client space, the main view is a table so when you click it, it shows all the clients in the space and the contact info. a "Client List/Profile" if you will.

I agree with this one.
We have spaces for different projects like:
- testimonial database
- Content calendar
- Tasks and projects
We need the customs fields in the everything view for all of our tasks and projects. But it is very confusing to have the same custom fields on our content calendar-tasks and our testimonial database
Please have a setting in the space to deselect the custom fields for a particular space