Viewing Tasks in Time View
Tom Hemerka
In my experience managing tasks in the Time View is ineffective. Currently the only option is to only view the tasks for the day and the unscheduled tasks which I never touch. In my experience I find myself having to go back to the list view and changing the due date in order to manage it in the time view. For me, many things would be solved with the ability to modify the right sidebar to have the ability to view overdue tasks, upcoming tasks, and unscheduled tasks.
Also, In time view you currently have two options, all spaces or view one of the spaces. It would be great if there was a third option to make a selection of the spaces you'd like to be viewing.
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Eric Wightman
Hey all!
The features mentioned here should have been rolled out when we released Calendar view!
Definitely let us know if you would like to see any improvements to that feature!
Andrey Babak
It will be great if I group by Lists - also show lists without tasks, so that I can add the tasks right on the timeline
Andrey Babak
There is one more annoying thing I would like to ask to fix. I group the timeline view by lists. Then I click on the empty place on time view on the specific list, and I need to select a list again to create a task. So if I click on the empty place for the specific list, I want it to preselect the list. See screenshot.
Artem Khomenko
Andrey Babak: That would be really nice to have!
I'd also be able to add due dates in the Time view. Right now it seems you have to go to the List view to set a due date, but the Time view seems like a more natural place for me to do this, as I can see the calendar and where other due dates fall more easily.
I usually have All Spaces visible in Time view so I can see everything I need to be doing, across different Spaces. Adding tasks in this view is confusing. While I have All Spaces visible in Time view, I'd like to add a Task that corresponds to one Space. I think that in the "+"/"Create Task" button in Time view, there should be an option to choose which Space the task should be assigned to.
Mary M Cavanaugh
Need to be able to add columns (with filter/sort capability) to the task-list side of Time View. The list of Unscheduled Tasks is useless because you can't see what project each task is associated with.
With the ability to add columns, I could display the Unscheduled tasks by List or Project. Then sort & filter as needed so that I can quickly assign tasks to specific times....Time-Blocking 101.
Kyla Roma
This! It would be a huge help. I'm using the priority flags to find items I actually need because the task interface isn't useful to me. I would also love the tasks to display their schedule time in the mobile view, because without that you can't see when anything is meant to happen in the time view.
in progress