Unschedule overdue tasks
Alex Joyner
Often I schedule a task, but cant get to it in the scheduler. I would like a button to unschedule all tasks in time view that are past due that I haven't closed so the task will go back to the sidebar and can be re-scheduled.
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Waleed Elaghil
We've solved this in ClickUp 2.0, by clicking on "overdue" tab in your Calendar view and moving tasks to reschedule!
As with other task managers, anything that I miss from yesterday, I'd prefer to have added to my today list for me then to reschedule, rather than add it to unscheduled. I have a loooong list of unscheduled so as the tasks were to be done yesterday, moving them to today makes the most sense for me.
Alex Joyner
Matt: I second this. If the tasks were continuously moved to the all day section instead of the unscheduled section, that would be fine with me and likely preferred for many users with much larger teams than mine.
Alex Joyner
Much thanks for planning this! One of my favorite features of Google Calendar is the reminders and how they will follow you until marked done. Having this will effectively create the same effect for me in clickup! Renders gcal much less useful compared to ClickUp! Stay awesome you guys!
Alex Joyner: Our pleasure Alex, have a great weekend!
Tamara Qualls
Zeb: Need this today! :)
Zeb: Hi there Zeb is there any way for overdue tasks to be re- scheduled say 7 days in front, one day after the due date? Or even automatically moved to today ?
Eric Wightman
Hey Nick! You can set up an automation that will reschedule your due date when the due date arrives, but there isn't a trigger for "is overdue" yet! We have a feature request for that which I've added you to here: https://clickup.canny.io/feature-requests/p/overdue-automation-trigger