Trigger automation when the start/due date is set
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Cady Fraser
Looking for a solution for "When due date is set, change status to x". We have a lot of "parking lot" content topics as tasks so when we want to post a new blog, we pull a topic from "parking lot" to the active calendar. When we do that, we set a date and would like the status to be changed to "topic assigned".
Renee Roberts
Thought this would be in here when we started using clickup at the beginning of this year. So surprised it was not a thing already.
Bulent Erbilgin
I need this functionality as well
Deb Bernard
I would like this if it triggered an action (reminder, for example)
Victoria Rawlings
Deb Bernard: you can set this up in the notifications settings
Zach - ClickUp
Marine Sire would this trigger work for your use case?
Jennifer Hall
Zach - ClickUp: It doesn't work for me since we set the start date when we create the task, sometimes months in advance. I need a start date trigger that triggers x time/days before the set start date. Even if I had a custom field that triggered on the date but nothing triggers on or before date so can't do that. Use case for me we have campaigns. Sometimes a campaign runs for a week somethings for a year or anything in between. Different parts of the campaign go live at different points during that time. Would be great to use date automations to move subtasks to different status ie future status moves to prep status 2 days before start date etc. No way to do that currently.
Zach - ClickUp
Jennifer Hall: Got it. That will be handled here: