Time Tracked Filter
Eugene Slautin
Can you add more options to the time tracked filter in all areas:
- Time tracked by a specific user
- Time tracked during a specific time frame: this month, last month and custom
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Guy Mannerings
I would like to be able to use Time Tracked as a filter in Custom Pie charts and Bar Charts in Dashboards and Overviews, so I can see a pie chart of time tracked against certain Custom Fields.
Ferdinand Engländer
This would be very useful!
Lily Chan
Merged in a post:
Task List Filter on Tracked Time for a Date or range
James Guitard
I want to a build dashboard widget that shows me all tasks that had time tracked to them Yesterday (or a specified time period: previous X num of days, weeks, months, etc).
The Tracked Time filter has limited options: Is/Not set, Greater/Less/Equal to X. What I really need are similar options as Date fields, ie. Time Tracked IS: Today | Yesterday | This Week | This Month | etc.
Lily Chan
I'm going to merge your request into an existing one for having more filter options for tracked time.
Jackie Borozan
Yes, please please add this feature! By not having a more robust option for running reports or synthesizing data, we may need to go back to using Clockify and I absolutely don't want to use two separate systems, even if there is an add-on app.
Maarten Meyns
Please implement this, this would be very helpfull to display data in graphs or pie charts or ...
Merged in a post:
Julia Celley
We want to view the total time tracked for a user today, this week, last week, etc.
This would be extremely helpful, especially for dashboards and tables.
Davs Howard
Time tracked by date, user, list, etc would be incredibly useful.
Matt Nelson
this is definitely needed and a pretty standard feature in time reporting software. To go in more detail/further, there are select dashboard cards that can filter by time, but don't allow for robust reporting of some/all of time estimate, tracked, capacity, or nor offer sums/averages/% of combining these fields in any way
time tracking and time reporting cards filter by timeframe and one of them allows grouping by different aspects (space, folder, list, user), but won't show a totals calculation
timeline chart filters by timeframe on Xaxis, but doesn't offer time tracked on Yaxis (only time estimate)
calculation cards (numbers) don't have filtering by timeframe
the new timesheets page doesn't calculate totals for either time tracked or time capacity
none of these cards offer a way to calculate time tracked/time estimated
none of these cards offer time capacity (from timesheets) as a field, to calculate time tracked/time capacity
so the data is there, and some of the functionality is there, just not in all places or in a way that I can use to report easily
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