Time Tracked Filter

Eugene Slautin
Can you add more options to the time tracked filter in all areas:
- Time tracked by a specific user
- Time tracked during a specific time frame: this month, last month and custom
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Meghan Boland
Added to the below comment because also involves issues with time tracking... - I've also noticed that if you have a task assigned to 2+ people, when setting up a dashboard card based on time tracked (such as in a pie chart) it will add the time of Person A to the time of Person B.
Data source - List (Client)
Filter - time tracked is set
Filter - date period (this is the bit we need fixed as per below comments)
Pie chart comes up with the split between Person A and Person B tracked time BUT when you click to view the breakdown, any tasks that are assigned to both will also calculate towards both...
Person A & Person B are both working on Task X
Person A tracks 3 hours | Person B tracks 2 hours
both will show as having worked on Task X for 5 hours in the pie chart and task breakdown rather than calculating their individual times.
This makes accurate reporting to clients difficult, especially when there multiple tasks and if team members are being charged out at different rates. Takes what should should be a 5 minute check/report into something much more onerous and higher chance of incorrect reporting/invoicing.
Meghan Boland
Also came here looking for this filter. We need to be able to track time spent on tasks during a specific date period for client invoicing.
- Data Source (space/folder/list)
- Time [has been] Tracked
- Date (all the options including date range)
So that I can see a report that shows:
Jane tracked 19 hours / Bob tracked 5 hours / Ross tracked 2 hours on tasks for Client A during DATE RANGE 3 Feb to 16 Feb
At the moment I can only look at dates by 'date created/completed/due date, etc' but this excludes time tracked on tasks with future or past due dates or created 12 months ago etc.
I can see people have already been requesting this - do you have a time frame for making this available?
Let me know if you need more information on how we are wanting to use this feature.

Alan Noruspur
This is the only crucial feature missing from my workflow. I'd like to see the time I tracked 'this week' divided by project and compare it to 'last week' for example. While it's possible to display total tracked time using a pie or battery chart, this isn't useful to me. Seeing that I’ve spent 100 hours on Project A over two years versus 50 hours on Project B in a single week doesn’t reflect that Project B is currently the highest priority :(
Jenniffer Mora
This feature would be extremely useful for reporting, being able to filter the time tracked during a specific time frame is something I'm needing to do but can't at the moment and I haven't found a work around yet :/

Christian Karg
It’s a shame that Time Tracked can’t be filtered better. Views like “Tracked Time this month” are simply not possible at the moment, and that’s exactly what is interesting when reporting projects monthly. This would be extremely helpful!

Guy Mannerings
I would like to be able to use Time Tracked as a filter in Custom Pie charts and Bar Charts in Dashboards and Overviews, so I can see a pie chart of time tracked against certain Custom Fields.
Ferdinand Engländer
This would be very useful!

Lily Chan
Merged in a post:
Task List Filter on Tracked Time for a Date or range

James Guitard
I want to a build dashboard widget that shows me all tasks that had time tracked to them Yesterday (or a specified time period: previous X num of days, weeks, months, etc).
The Tracked Time filter has limited options: Is/Not set, Greater/Less/Equal to X. What I really need are similar options as Date fields, ie. Time Tracked IS: Today | Yesterday | This Week | This Month | etc.

Lily Chan
I'm going to merge your request into an existing one for having more filter options for tracked time.

Jackie Borozan
Yes, please please add this feature! By not having a more robust option for running reports or synthesizing data, we may need to go back to using Clockify and I absolutely don't want to use two separate systems, even if there is an add-on app.
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