Threaded comments expanded by default
Marnie Hanlon
It's so easy to miss the threaded reply as it's currently collapsed by default... could there be an option to keep them expanded? Thanks!
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Andrew Vincent
Comments in the Activity Feed should be a single flow thread (no sub-threads), where a reply to a comment creates a new comment at the bottom of the feed, but has a link back to comment that was replied to (see messaging apps like WhatsApp and iOS Messaging).
For comments that do need to branch out, I suggest the ability to push the conversation to the newly released Chat Feature, as sometimes these side conversations can travel far and wide as to their applicable subjects, tasks, and people involved, and so restricting this to the Activity Feed overly restricts this conversation to a single task.
Michel Žalac
+1 Yes --- its driving me nuts!
+1 ☝🏻 It would be great if the replies were automatically expanded!
Grzegorz Cieslik
Settings -> Email Integration -> Publish email replies as thread replies instead of new comments
Try unchecking this option
Nicole Salow
Please change this UX. I want comments expanded, it's a huge pain to find them sometimes. It's also confusing in notifications, because it doesn't show the reply with the context of the original comment.
Expanded comments should be the default, I don't want to hide information.
Sacha Elez
It appears this issue has persisted for over 4.5 years now so I won't hold my breath that it will actually be addressed, however it's a significant oversight that makes me not want to reply to any comments directly. Instead I find myself creating new threads and tagging the user to ensure they got the message and everyone else can see the comment and hope that the other members of my team remember to do the same...
I'd rather not have any threads at all and just use the comment feature to reply to other comments in chronological order (like a WhatsApp chat). Does anyone really need multiple threads in the comments section on a task???
Great app otherwise tho!
Nicole Salow
Sacha Elez - I agree, having it be just a normal thread like WhatsApp or messages would be much better.
Spencer Hancock
Please do this, with them auto-collapsed the reply feature is significantly worse than just creating a new thread.
Hannah Bryeans
Is there any update on fixing this significant issue?
Pierre Becher
Threaded comments should be expanded automatically especially when using the activity search. Currently, they need to be expanded manually which makes the search very difficult.
Veikko Kuosa
Repeating other users' comments here but it's really necessary to get the replies to the comments visible so that you can see the whole conversation in a glance. The replies get easily lost and it's difficult to find them afterwards. Moreover, it does not help that the 'reply' symbol is so small or difficult to notice.
Additionally, it would be nice to have the same watchers to the replies as for the task by default. Most of the times when replying to a comment it contains information that's interesting to other watchers as well and would be beneficial to have a notification about it.
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