Task Shortcuts
Not just links, but an actual Task or Sub-Task Item that stands in its place -- in the same way a Windows Shortcut is not a link to a document. It contains the link, but stands alone as its own icon. The result is that you can have one document, but can have it referred to, and listed, in multiple locations or lists (i.e. Multiple shortcuts to a single item).
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Eric Wightman
We are closing this feature request as we work to make better use of our feedback boards! Removing old and stale posts will increase the communication between the ClickUp team and our users, as well as allow us to hear more of your great ideas!
If you feel like this request is worth us revisiting, feel free to create a new post for this request!
Jay Gates
This should probably be merged into https://clickup.canny.io/feature-requests/p/link-tasks-to-more-than-one-projectlist-rrxf
Jay Gates
The idea being that you may want to see the task in multiple contexts (ex., lists that are reviewed by different roles or groups of people, or in different folders), without the overhead of creating "placeholder" tasks whose only purpose is to point to the real one. This has an added benefit of allowing all of the "real task's" information to show up in these contexts (assigned-to, status, completion %, etc.). These shortcuts should be visually distinct in layouts and click through directly to the real task. Reporting must handle them properly (no double-counting, etc.).