Task Icon and other useful things in List View for mobile app
Александр Волков
It will be awesome if I can use clickup app in the same manner as whatsapp, where Tasks are "Conversations" and Activities are "Comments in conversations".
And I'm trying to use it in the this way: I do not use clickup's space-project-list hierarchy and so on in the mobile app - in my mobile app always "Everything" tab is showed as "main window" sorted by date updated.
I just don't want to read the name of each task (there are a lot of tasks) everytime, I want identify task (conversation) by the task picture.
I'll explain my case:
It very hard for me to use mobile app in the same way as desktop app (many reasons). I just need only one function: easy access to conversations about tasks.
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Eric Wightman
We are closing this feature request as we work to make better use of our feedback boards! Removing old and stale posts will increase the communication between the ClickUp team and our users, as well as allow us to hear more of your great ideas!
If you feel like this request is worth us revisiting, feel free to create a new post for this request!
Александр Волков
Some thoughts about such mobile interface:
- There is no any reason to show whole name of the task (and expand item's block), just print it in one line with cropping with "..."
- Show cropped last comment in the second line (it is a bad idea to show whole last comment in separate column)
- Show the "rounded" icon of the task to the left of the name of the task
- Show number of the ureaded comments near the task's icon
Александр Волков
Left - now, Right - in desired future :)