Subtasks should inherit their parent task's status
Matthias Thoen
a subtask should automatically inherit the status of its parent task by default, but you can give it a different status afterwards.
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PLEASE CLICKUP TEAM make every subtask automatically inherit the parent status (color)!!!!! it's hard to recommend the system as intelligent when you have to manually change the status if each subtask
Or AT LEAST allow me to create an automation that says.. "When a new subtask is created THEN set status to "PARENT STATUS".
James M. Grosser
Today I stumbled on to a feature that I have not seen documented anywhere. The scenario is this: I am working on a project for a client. Let's call it "Matter 1." I created a Task called "Matter 1." I use Subtasks to track the specific deliverables, such as "Negotiate Purchase Agreement" or "Deliver Financial Schedule." I have lots of client projects, so I have lots of Tasks set up like this. When I want to focus on a specific project, I apply a filter on a custom field such as "Matter Name" or "Client" to hide other projects. I have found that when I apply a filter and then create a Subtask, the fields corresponding to the filtered values populate automatically in the Subtask. So, if I create a filter based on values in 5 different custom fields, when I create a Subtask, the custom fields in the Subtask are automatically populated with the values I specified in the filter. This somewhat replicates field inheritance from Task to Subtask. I'm wondering if anyone else has observed this behavior and if it is documented anywhere.
Saskia Mardi
Please implement this - but as an OPTION!
Shaina Cahill
Without subtask inheriting the status I find that my team is going to end up being confused and with using multiple subtasks as our key way of detailing product process in our production, the lack of this feature create a tedious additional task for users. This is in addition to subtasks inheriting the status making logical sense.
If this were implemented, it should be an OPTION not a default, as there are lots of workflows where sub-tasks should NOT inherit parent status, piority, etc, and lots of work flows where a parent task should NOT inherit it sub-task(s) status(es).
Davide Scott
Absolutely necessary... Even with an automation there should be the option to "Inherit" the following:
- Status
- Custom Fields
- Priority
Davide Scott Emphasis on "option" as our workflow would break if subtasks suddenly started inheriting these things by default.
Andrew Belov
How is this not a day 1 base feature. I make subtasks and have to manually change all statuses, this is so much extra work.
Jen Leong
This would help reduce the project manager's need for going into every project for retainer clients and updating the task status, every month!
Craig Wallace
New ClickUp Enterprise user. Could not agree more that if any child (subtask) changes to Active, then the parent should also change to Active. Seems like the most basic common sense automation feature......yet it's missing?!?!?
Ye Duan
so guys any updates on it since the team replied in 2022?
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