Small UI-Improvements

Lea Marie
Some small UI-quirks that bother me:
- When creating a new task with the top right button, you cannot close that window with esc.
- Click-Targets for favorites and quick switcher are too small.
- Switching Workspaces always feels jerky, and it is because when you hover, the whole menu instantly pops to right to make way for the "All" button. This suddon movement (no smooth transition) feels extremely wrong. Especially when you want to click on the currently active space and you move the cursor towards it, and before you can click it has moved to right and you accidentally click on all. Also, the whole menu always pops up if you want to access favorites or quick switcher, since you have to move over it to get there. I know that you can pin the spaces menu. Still, when not pinned, that's not a neat design.
- In general, the whole UI seems so cluttered with + buttons and tripple dot menu buttons, which feels so obstrusive. The spaces menu is worst with this. I get drag and tripple dot closely surrounding the thing that I actually want to click on. Often, I missclick there. Also in the projects list, I don't need to have + and tripple dot visible next to uncollapsed projects all the time. Reveal on hover would be sufficient. Maybe it's because, the tripple dot is so massive. When I look a t the screen, first thing I see is the location of all the tripple dots, which should have least of my attention.
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Closing for v2

Matheus Breguêz
V2 has a new interface, this topic must be reconsidered.

Joey Wilson
A big (and easy) UI improvement would be displaying lists with as minimal amount of vertical "breaking" as possible. For example, when I go to my tasks and click "All Spaces" to see everything that I have on my plate, I get a long list that is broken by Spaces titles, Project titles, etc. If I do a sort, then it shows them all in a much nicer compact list format that is so much easier for my eye/brain to break down. It would be great if the "sort" style listing was used as a default.
Also, would be great to have a way to keep subtasks nested under the parent rather than their own listing.
Tarun Masani
Merged in a post:
Invisible top bar

Mateusz Jagiełło
When you collapse left panel and you have pinned top bar at the same time, top bar become invisible and take empty space.
Tarun Masani
Merged in a post:
Too little margins in settings (enable/disable notification bar)

Mateusz Jagiełło
This bar about notifications should have bottom margin.

Mateusz Jagiełło
Update: when you refresh site, content of collapsed left bar "flows" a little to top.

Hendrik Mo
I have to add my voice here. I feel consistency and reduction is very much needed. A few examples:
Paying customers have now 5 views (Time, List, Board, Box, Gantt) and they are not displayed consistently/ in the same way. Some with icons, some with text.
Personally, I love the idea of a centered "View:"-Dropdown. At the moment, the prominent display of all the views invite you to jump around with the view.
The "Assigned to me"-Filter
I go there 100% with Lee Denny further down. 3 possible ways to activate the "assigned to me-filter" and then we can combine the ilogical situation of the global Team Filter with the "Assigned to me"-Filter.
The filter/sort bar on a project level: There are many options. The options are displayed inconsistently (icon/text). I feel that you could put some of the filters within the existing Filter-Dropdowns.
Also, the filter I activate on one list applies to any other list I select. So, put all the other filters in the header bar. Sort of have View, Search, Filter in the header bar.
That's it for now.

Grzegorz Derlukiewicz
Oh, and the most frustrating thing in Clickup is the date change small popup, when you click on a due date, a window appears and when you click n a date, it does not disappear so you need to click somewhere else. So annoying comparing to Asana where it automatically closes after date is chosen.

Mel Richards
Zeb When do you guys plan to push out some UI improvements... some things are driving me crazy to the point of reconsidering using Asana. But rather not! Reason is that I'm having trouble adopting ClickUp due to these issues. The UI is feeling still to cluttered to me, and overall feels unclear.
Another point is the header area, the buttons just don't seem to be organized right (like why is the Box not part of the views, and I barely even use it anyway) and the overall header is so tall it eats up lots of my browser view, especially a pain when working on my laptop.

Mel Richards: 2.0 is coming this Winter

Lee Denny
Zeb: this sounds exciting!

Lionel Regis-Constant
Zeb: As far as I'm concerned I'm quite happy with all the features released, I really hope that redesign will be a big part of 2.0. The overall design app is not nearly as clear and clean as the competition. In particular the time view and gantt are pretty weak. As an example of a really beautiful design for Gannt I would give the example of

Joey Wilson
Zeb: Meaning, Q1 2019 or Q4 2019?

Grzegorz Derlukiewicz
It would be good to move to next task on the list by the keyboard arrows or something, for example to edit tasks one by one.
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