Simple linking between tasks
I have mentioned quite a few features of other apps, this time the request is for something to help me get more out of ClickUp for software development - simple linking between tasks. In both Jira and, you can add a link to another task as a field in a task. It's great that Clickup associates "mentioned" tasks with reciprocal links. But it would be great if you could simply link a task to another, without having to write a comment or somehow add context in the task description. One example of this is if I'm using ClickUp as a CRM, and for now I have to set up clients as tasks, if I want to record the interaction with them as a task, and not a subtask, I can't just plain "link" the task called "call Client A tomorrow" to the actual task that represents Client A. If I understand correctly, currently I have to either paste the task for Client A in the description, which looks a bit odd, or in the comments, with no context. Simply being able to link together would be a more elegant way to represent this I think.
Thanks again guys!
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Ivan Villa

Ivan Villa: This is a brilliant feature - THANK YOU!!!

I am guessing this is today's update - so I wanted to add a comment: now there is an icon showing THAT the task has linked task. Can it be shown also in custom field - to see instantly what task is it linked to? And automatically also - the linked task would also have a custom field with the linked one? Otherwise it is somehow useful, but not a huge step forward unfortunately.

Jake Spirek
I submitted a similar request, but will add my comments here since it's in line with what this one has.
When I use a Custom field for related tasks, I want to be able to link to another task. But since they are inherently related both ways, I should only have to do the link once, and the other task should have a link back to the initial one.
This works nicely with dependencies already. But if things are just related, I don't want to use dependencies.
It'd also be nice to just be always available, without using a custom field.

Just wanted to follow up: As one of the lucky to have early access to 2.0, I would like to request continued development of this feature, just a bit. It’s so essential in a Product Management app like ClickUp that I think it should get special treatment like tags, priority, etc. in the “heart” of the task, not as a custom field. Custom fields are a bit more awkward to use in the UI than these other “basics.” Also, if I am using the feature correctly, the “linked to” task does not pick up the link back to the referring task. So this is a big piece of task linking that I think is missing.
Have you guys thought about expanding the dependency to simply add a few more task relations? I think this would make a lot of sense, and it’s the place most PM apps handle task linking. My vote would be for, in addition to “depends on” or “is dependent on”, these types of links:
- duplicates
- causes
- is caused by
- discovered during testing
Both connected tasks would show in the link the relation back to the other task.
Thanks for taking this into consideration guys, and very glad this is out at least via custom fields as a starting point!

Bill: Hey! Thanks a lot for your feedback, I certainly agree with you that the one way linking doesn't work right now. If we were to make the current task linking two way, would that help? We do plan on doing this in the near future.

Zeb: Zeb, hey thanks and that for sure would be an improvement. Not to be demanding though, but I'd really like to see this ultimately one of the basic attributes of the task, along with tags, priority, etc. Interestingly a lot of the places I've seen the ability to link tasks this way, such as LiquidPlanner, Jira, Zenkit, etc. don't have the ability to unfurl the task name in the description, and then have the reciprocal reference, like you guys already do. If you could add this basic linking, ideally with a few ways to define the links like "duplicates" or "caused by" as I was suggesting, you really add yet another differentiator to ClickUp.
Thanks and hope this is useful!

Bill: Just wanted to follow-up, we are going to add a third type of dependency, kind of an arbitrary link. It's in the design phase now, not 100% sure how it will end up manifesting, but that's the high level plan!
Zeb: Hi Zeb Following on something like linked tasks in Trello would be amazing - so you can see a mini task (board view style card) with status/attachment info rather than just a title. Also, in list view you cannot see the whole name - is that a bug or supposed to be like that? Would also like to link subtasks to other unrelated task not sure if requested already? If so can you send link so I can vote please

Maria: Hey Maria! Yeah we'll implement something like Trello's linked tasks very soon.
Can you please explain this part further - I'm not sure if I'm understanding what you mean:
> in list view you cannot see the whole name - is that a bug or supposed to be like that?
Zeb: Hi Zeb This is what I mean - please see screenshot

Zeb: Please add two way linking! It is always of interest to know that two tasks are associated when seeing each one on it's own. Additionally the mirror link could act as a "go back" functionality (which is much more efficient than using the tray)

in progress
Solved with custom fields 2.0
Zeb: Zeb, great! Sorry for the proliferation of request lately from me, just taking you guys up on your eagerness to respond to user needs! Really impressive, and eager to see this feature in use!

R C: Oh no, keep them coming! We love feedback, our platform is built from feedback :)
Zeb: Zeb, thanks, yes it's clear your guys' roadmap is built on user requests & feedback, in true Agile and Lean fashion. Most impressive. In that case I will keep the feedback coming! Cheers!

Hugo Augusto
Zeb: Does this mean it is coming in the next version?

Hugo Augusto: Yes, as a custom field!

Zeb: I love Clickup! 😎
Garth Kidd
Zeb: Only a solution if there's a type for “task relationship”, and a way to make the custom fields reciprocate e.g. split-from/split-into.

Zeb: But the mirror link is missing I think? Zenkit has this functionality, perhaps you could take a look? It is there a very potent custom field - you can even choose to be able to create a new task (there it is called a card) from within the custom field. And on the targeted task/card you have the mirror link so the crosslinking is two way.