Show checklists in Home
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Carly Rugani
Kesley Howell
Yes PLEASE. My team is almost to the point of telling everyone they aren't allowed to use checklist items for assignments. If they don't show up on the home screen they are impossible to keep track of.
Murat O.
Still waiting this one, I assigned qa team for a checklist, but they can not see in their home
Gauthier LAPALU
Checklists are useless without showing it on home page !
Elias Mayer
I wish I was a checklist
Max E
Yes, it would be so much helpful. We use a lot of checklists and templates, where we assign different team members, but it is not shown on the home screen and that's why those items get lost. In general, there are very little things to be done with checklists (no due dates, automations, they cannot be referred to in dashboards etc., which is sad, bc they are very useful tbh. EQUAL RIGHTS FOR CHECKLISTS! FREE CHECKLISTS!
Elias Mayer
Max E: Hey, I like checklists too!
Adrian Tkaczyk
please add the checklist to the Home section. Checklists can be assigned to specific people, but these people never see that they have anything to do. The home section is where you can see the list of tasks for today and the near future. A must-have feature!
Bowen Law Firm
I'd love to have assigned checklist items show up in Home under To Do
Wendy Bowen
I agree! I would love to have this feature!
Toria Karas
We definitely need this feature!
We want to use checklist assignments to notify the Quality Control team when the task, and it's contained subtasks, are ready for review.
This drastically affects the workflow of the QC team if they cannot see the checklist assignments on the "My Work" section of the Home page.
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