Shortcuts for timer

Joseph Kready
I would love for there to be a shortcut on the task card to start the timer, so you don't have to open the task (see pic). I would also love for the timer to stop once you mark the task done. This would make the whole time-tracking seamless.
I would like for it to just be 1 click to start the timer, 1 click to stop.
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Lasse Schuirmann
Hey, we made an extension that does this because we had the same issue:
It's early beta, if you have any issues, please send us an email to info@founderblocksio

Merged in a post:
Start & Stop Timers in one click
If a column could be added with a built-in timer button for a task/subtask in table view or the various views it would be the least amount of clicks to track time. People get pulled away from their tasks for various reasons out of their control and since they can't change their timers in one click two tasks time tracking will be reported incorrectly.

Merged in a post:
Hot Key for Starting and Stopping Timer #uunr
Emil Shenfeld

Martin Widemann
please, give us a slash command:
/track 1h "work done"

Julian Pustkuchen
Reuben Baker
A suggestion has been created to consolidate all requests for "User customisation of cards in Board view".
Please consider voting here to consolidate our requests in to 1 for the ClickUp team to take heed of:

Balint Pataki
Yes please, whenever I have a tab open with a task/subtask automatically start. As of now it's 2 clicks- Timer-> stop timer