Share Google Calendar Sync with Members
Shannon De
Currrently the Google Calendar sync will not allow you to share your Google events with other members.
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Mike Richstem
this should be a must!
Gillian Schindel
Our team is on the Microsoft stack and we share a boardroom booking calendar with another company that uses Google. We were hoping ClickUp could be a way for our entire team to view and edit the boardroom Google calendar rather than just one person being the gatekeeper.
Sam Christie
i use clickup to manage my family (chores, schedules of me and my wife). this feature would allow us to see each others' work schedules in clickup
Brandy N. Carie
It would be very useful for my team to have this functionality - right now the only way to do it would be for the team lead to give google account access to other team members, which seems like an invasion of privacy. But the team members need to know the team lead's schedule in order to plan events. Please make this change as soon as possible. Thanks!
Tere Morgan
It would be helpful for my VA to be able to schedule time and appointments. withinout seeing the full details of my calnedar
Eficens Denver
I have a requirement to share my calender view with other clickup members. May I know when this functionality is expected to release?