Set user status (away, vacation, sick, etc)
Kham Inthirath
Teamwork and and Slack etc have User status changes so all the team members and/or who are in your space know you are in a meeting, vacation, sick, out of work, etc. Having a communication setting like this would be critical for transparency.
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Brendan W
Hey, everyone! 👋
You can now set your very own
user status
inside of ClickUp! If you're running errands, taking your lunch, or out of the office, set your status to let your team members know!
User statuses can be set with an emoji, for a duration or forever, and you can also mark yourself as out of office or mute notifications at the same time.
Learn more here.
Can you have the statuses integrate with Google status?
Brendan W
Hey, everyone! 👋
You can now set your very own
user status
inside of ClickUp! If you're running errands, taking your lunch, or out of the office, set your status to let your team members know!
User statuses can be set with an emoji, for a duration or forever, and you can also mark yourself as out of office or mute notifications at the same time.
Learn more here.
Duncan Owen
Fantastic! Works great Brendan W
Melanie Wilke
Brendan W That's awesome! Would love to sync my status with Slack or Google Calender in the future :)
Brendan W
Merged in a post:
Online/Offline Icons Overlay Names
Duncan Owen
The ability to quickly see who is online/offline/do not disturb, plus automated statuses for 'In a Meeting', 'Out of Office' etc.
Even more valuable - the ability to set a custom emoji and status i.e. ones we use are 'on the road', 'on holiday until x date', 'deep work', 'visiting client' etc.
Having the status text appear on mouse rollover would be great too.
Brendan W
Merged in a post:
Working Status and Icons
Jayson Ermac
It would be nice to hover on an assignee profile and see whether the person is "On Vacation Leave", "On Sick Leave", etc. In addition, we only see a green dot signifying if a person is online. A way to show via this method if a person is on-leave or unavailable would lessen the amount of waiting time for any team member who will try to communicate with said person on leave. They can move the conversation quickly to the person taking over their task temporarily. If you are familiar with Slack Status, this is somewhat similar.
Brendan W
Brendan W
Merged in a post:
Profile status - OOO
Kate Cockbain
Enable out-of-office/hours feature on user profiles similar to Asana functionality so that when other users are tagging someone in a comment/assigning something they can see when the user is offline/OOO. Ideally there would be some sort of icon to indicate when a user is OOO with the ability to hover to see exact OOO dates.
Brendan W
Duncan Owen
Yes! As I already use the desktop app, that's ideal, that once any form of video conferencing software starts - the status gets changed automatically.
Philipp Berner
Thank you! Ducan, would you install the Desktop app if it would automatically set your meeting status in real time. Meaning when you enter a Zoom/GMeets call, it would set you to "Meeting" and when the call ends, it would remove that. This would work independent of your calendar events.
Duncan Owen
Forgot to add, having the ability to set 'custom statuses' with a duration is great i.e. x hours, 24 hours, 7 days, 1 month, custom date range.
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