Set default view template at folder and list level
Set a default view template at the folder and list levels to override the space setting.
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Nathaniel Allen
Our team would like this as well!

Victor Lai
Still waiting for this
Jen Parkhill
Maybe new to 3.0? I felt this was working at 2.0
To me, this feels like a bug. If you set a Spaces Default View, it should be inherited by the Folders and Lists, but it isn't. Instead, they want you to upgrade to Business Plan in order to set each default individually. It's backwards. Folders and Lists should inherit the Default View, and if you want to start changing individual folders or lists, then you can upgrade. This is definitely poor programming, and an unscrupulous cash grab if it's intentional.

Caroline Ginty
Merged in a post:
Set default list templates

Míra-Eszter Kőmíves
When automatization creates a new list I would like it to use a default template I already created.
Ian Phillips
Yes! Perfect. When I use my Folder View, I ALWAYS want to see a Gannt Chart. (never anything else at this level) Now with Clickup 3, they have introduced an "Overview" view, which firstly is annoying because I don't need to use it (so it takes up even more space on the screen, distracting), but also that every time I click on the Folder view, I'm FORCED to see that Overview view, before I can flick to my Gannt Chart.

José Luis
I agree.
erik kirk
They have the option, but it doesn't work. It seems the search to find templates can't find the templates I created.
Cameron Blakey
This seems like super basic and essential automation. When LIST created, apply view templates. When FOLDER created, apply list templates. Insanity that automation triggers only apply to tasks when a consistent structure of spaces, folders and lists is critical for any organization.

Lainey Odette
Totally agree!! I have different types of folders in my space, some need view1 to be default and some need view2 to be default for maximum efficiency. If I could set the default view at the folder level and indicate whether to trickle it down to the lists within that folder as their default as well (yes or no), that would be so helpful. (Rather than setting it manually every time I add a list.) If I select "yes" to trickle the default down, then every list I create or view in that folder AND that folder will have the view I need for that type of folder by default. This would save a lot of time for setup when adding lists in folders.

Matt Geller
Being able to set the view for an entire space is so important. Going list by list to add a single column is extremely time consuming. We have 50 lists in a space so to add a column or remove one takes an enormous amount of time.
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