Reorder Tasks on Mobile
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Bruno Vinícius Florêncio Barbosa Araújo
I agree: it's not a feature request, it's a basic functionality for any organization, management, and task planning application. They're so professional and great for PC. They can't continue this amateurism on their mobile device.
Bruno Vinícius Florêncio Barbosa Araújo
Reorder tasks, subtasks, and checklists. We want clickup, with all its quality, to be part of our daily lives and projects. There are few things missing for that. Let us be heard! Thank you!
Grant Collins
This a a basic function and is greatly missed on the mobile app.
In fact it's not really a feature request it's more a big missing.
To not be able to reorder tasks in a list only on mobile make all this perfect app useless.
Can do it in all other apps, just long press on the task and do a drag and drop.
I see the feature request had been opened March 2020 so I guess you will not do it.
You're loosing many customers (me too) for a small feature...
Yohai Rosen
also board view - which is part of the core functionality of such views.