Remove "add subtask" button for tasks in board view
Wyatt Wells
There was an update to the default board view and now each task bubble takes up a lot more vertical space on my board view. I really dislike this new feature and I would love if I could disable this button. It takes up a lot of space, makes my board look a lot more cluttered and more daunting to complete. Plus I never use subtasks so I'm really not a fan. I think you could chop the vertical size of the task bubbles in half and still fit all the key info at the same font size. I attached an image for an example--almost 2/3 of the task bubble is wasted space.
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Laura Buker
Love that you removed the Subtask thingy, thanks to the team for that!
Michael Van Doorn
Rod Christiansen
Creates so much clutter and not good user interface decision -- projects looks like a wall of "+ ADD SUBTASK" --- UGLY!
This has been opened for 18 months ...
Wayne Smith
Not great UX to have noisy repetition of this string... Show it when hovering, not all the time.
Chris Moore
Yes, please allow us the option to hide the + ADD SUBTASK clutter from the Board view. Thanks! 🙌
Mikael Kallin
My project looks like a wall of "+ ADD SUBTASK", please fix this!
Jonathan Solorzano
So anoying! Please add a setting to show/hide it!
Andreas Otto
Come on, this can´t be so difficult to improve! Anyone can see that the idea was not right from the beginning.
Niko Ugarov
Hi All! This CSS:
.cu-dashboard-board-card__subtasks:not(:has(.cu-board-card-subtask)) {
worked for me in Chrome with Stylish extension. This is not a solution of course - can break any time. But if you're very annoyed (like me), you're welcome to try
Andreas Otto
Niko Ugarov: Hi Niko. It works! I first tried it without logging in and got an error: "expected RPAREN at Line 1 Col 45". But as soon as I was logged in, it worked. Thanks!
Johnny Walker
Please can we get rid of all the buttons?, that also DISAPPEAR when you hover over the task and changes to an icon.
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