Reminders for Tasks
Basil Weibel
One of the key advantages of clickup was to "containerize" communication in tasks. So insteado fo having 1000s of group chats, that mix different projects, you have everything around one task centered on the task page.
I often used assigned comments, to remind people of things they should do on a task. Now with reminders/inbox, I have a much better tool for that.
However, with the introduction of reminders, this logic of putting everything in a task that is related to this task is broken!
In my opinion, it would be important to have the option to associate reminders in a similar style as checklist items or assigned comments with tasks. I think as manager you often go through tasks and want to remind people of something. Reminders are better than assigned comments, because they have a due date. But they should show the associated task (if there is one).
A slash command /r in the task chat to create a reminder would be great (that then is automatically associated with the task). Alternatively, an option to convert assigned comments to reminders.
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Brendan W
Hey, everyone! 👋
We're excited to share that you can now
create Reminders from tasks
⏰As mentioned in the past, we still have some more Reminder-related projects in the works or planned for the future:
- Adding notifications from Reminders into your Inbox (canny)
- Create a Reminder against a Doc/Page (Canny)
- Ability to see from task view what Reminders are created from a task
- Maybe in the future, the ability to relate a Task reminder to the task's due date i.e. notify me three days before due date (Canny)
As always, your feedback is always encouraged, but lets create new Feature Requests posts in Canny if you don't see one above or have separate feedback to share!
René van der Lee
Yes it would be great if we could get inbox notifications when a reminder is due. I have to check my Home for important reminders. In practice, the inbox is my primary focus and I don't want to miss any reminder.. Thanks in advance
1) I do not see this feature in mobile. (Android)
2) I would like to be able to see the reminder in the task, as well. If I can assign from a task, it should also be seen in that task.
Ronak Dhakan
ClickUp has tried to bring the Reminders feature into tasks. Whereas I would have preferred to have the "Due Date Reminder" notifications which can already be set and work at workspace level to be brought into tasks. Bringing it to the task level would be a better option than bringing stand alone Reminders into tasks.
I have already explained in much more detail in previous comments and others have too. I would not consider the current implementation usable for me in any way.
Daniel Antoniów
does the reminder have a sound that plays non-stop until we take care of the reminder and does it have a window that pops up on the screen to take care of it and does it not disappear by itself if we do not take care of it and can we postpone this pop-up window, e.g. by 15 minutes?
Brendan W
Daniel Antoniów: No, Reminders today live on Home where you can view, reschedule (snooze), or complete them. No sounds right now but its a good idea for the future!
Daniel Antoniów
Brendan W Maybe I'll explain what are the best reminders on the market right now:
- A reminder on your smartphone that pops up on the screen and does not disappear by itself, in fact only one company in the world has the best one, there are only two applications for IPHONE
- The sound for reminders is less important, e.g. the dripping of a drop of water, but if something important, the dripping of water is non-stop until we take care of the given reminder.
- PUSH notifications are worthless because they give the illusion of reminding you at a given time, and this is a notification we have dozens of every day. If, for example, I have a reminder that the opening of the Olympic Games is at 12:30 and my nopn stop application reminds me at this time, a constant reminder until I take care of it or I do not immediately postpone it, e.g. by 15 minutes, and these are real reminders, they appear on smartphone screen and we have to deal with them first, e.g. to read an SMS or click on the screen, they will disappear by themselves and reappear in 15 minutes, e.g. only one company in the world has such reminders. We run rankings of such applications and therefore we recommend only two applications for IPHONE with these functions, there are about 4 such applications for ANDROID, but only one company has been dominant for at least 3 years
Brendan W
Hey, everyone! 👋
We're excited to share that you can now
create Reminders from tasks
⏰As mentioned in the past, we still have some more Reminder-related projects in the works or planned for the future:
- Adding notifications from Reminders into your Inbox (canny)
- Create a Reminder against a Doc/Page (Canny)
- Ability to see from task view what Reminders are created from a task
- Maybe in the future, the ability to relate a Task reminder to the task's due date i.e. notify me three days before due date (Canny)
As always, your feedback is always encouraged, but lets create new Feature Requests posts in Canny if you don't see one above or have separate feedback to share!
Rob Hewitt
Brendan, I've already been taking advantage of this since it's (silent?) release. However, the biggest problem I have is that I can't add a note to the reminder. All this feature does is bubble up the task into my reminders at some designated date/time. This is helpful, but without a note about what the reminder was for specifically, it's usefulness is quite limited.
Rob Hewitt
I created an issue for this feature request:
awesome Brendan W - will have to chegg this out
Brendan W THANK YOU!!!
Brendan W
Rob Hewitt: Thanks for the feedback! I combined your new Canny into this one below:
voted Rob Hewitt
Jeff Oxford
Brendan W would be extremely useful if there was some conditional logic that the reminder would only trigger if a) no status change by set date or b) no comment by set date.
We use reminders to followup on assigned tasks and make sure things don't slip through the cracks. Having this functionality makes things much easier.
Dominik Weiß
Brendan W it would be nice when i can use reminders also in automations. For example the task status changes to review set an reminder in 6 days or on date xy
Brendan W
Merged in a post:
Reminders Inbox Task Linking ##
Amy Lee
From support ticket: be able to use task linking when creating a reminder
awww. I thought this had been completed :( went to add a reminder to a task like 🧐😅😆
Nathan Pereira
Or a kind of individual conversations could be created, instead of group chat or within tasks. A chat directed to each user can be interesting to display markings and commands //
Kim Hoang (BF)
Hi Brendan W
As a project manager, I'm frequently tasked with reminding team members about specific tasks such as X, Y, and Z at precise times and dates. While using various communication channels like Slack, Teams, SMS, email, or even cellphones can be effective, I've noticed that direct reminders from me can sometimes come across as pushy and may not foster the best atmosphere.
Considering this, automating reminders through a system like ClickUp might offer a smoother approach.
Is there a way to configure automated reminders for individual team members at designated dates and times? As far as I'm aware, ClickUp's current functionality is limited to a "Remind Me" mode, I cannot set reminders to anyone else than myself.
Sarah Ross
The new "Remind Me" feature in tasks is a good start but it is far lacking! When you create it, there should be a "save" or some kind of button to indicate that you've created the notification. (Instead you just click out of the calendar and it's confusing at first to know if you created one!) It would also be great if a Reminder field is added to the task so you can see any reminders for that task. In fact, there should be a Reminder section somewhere that is EASY to find!'s really unhelpful the way it shows up. You would think it would show up in a reminder list as the name of the task but it shows up as "" with a link to the task. VERY UNHELPFUL to see it that way. Also WHY can we not get reminders in other notification formats???
Brendan W
Sarah Ross We're going to be adding a create/save button soon!
Where are you seeing the name of the Reminder you created from a task show up as ""? On your Home page? Web or mobile? etc.
Sarah Ross
Brendan W great!! And I see that in the mobile. It does look right (the title of the task) on web. Hope this helps!
Sarah Ross
Brendan W also, this is what I mean by other notification formats — can we get reminders to our Inbox?
Sarah Ross
Brendan W one final thing:) I noticed there is a “notify” option on Reminders (non-task ones) to set reminder timing (due date, 10 min before, etc.) but it’s not on the task-reminder at creation. Could it be added there? I noticed it IS an option if I look at it in My Work, but I’d love to do it all at once rather than having to go to My Work to adjust that. Thanks!
Brendan W
Sarah Ross: Yes this is planned already!
Brendan W
Sarah Ross: We're going to revisit the Reminder creation experience from tasks very soon!
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