Remap Due dates in Task template
Juan Fajardo
Currently the remap option of templates is only possible for lists. I need to use that remap capacity in tasks template.
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Jay Omanson
This would be extremely helpful. Would save lots of time.
This would be really handy!
Joshua Waldman
Carlos Diaz De Leon
This enhancement is very much needed. Manually remapping to skip weekends is very tedious, and discourages ClickUp engagement.
Samantha Murillo
Very needed!
Max E
Agreed also, very much needed.
Till Scheffczyk
We absolutely need this to work for tasks as it does for lists.
What makes no sense at the moment, is that when you remap the due dates, the function completely delete all the saved start dates and breaks all the hard work we put in the template.
We also need Skip weekend and the ability to skip holidays and custom holidays.
Carolyn Dema-ala
It seems like they've added remap due dates in the task template in their recent update - but I'm hoping they add SKIP WEEKENDS. They did it for Lists, so hopefully it will be added to tasks too?
Megan Crees
My team has set lists that never change and we only ever add tasks to those existing lists. So, not being able to remap dates when applying a task template makes the whole remapping functionality obsolete and the user experience with templates quite poor.
Noel Mora
Yes!! We really need this!
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