Relationships in Main View
under review
It's really problematic to not be able to see relationships at the same time as comments/emails/activity (especially custom relationships, I'm not talking about links and dependencies).
I regularly reference relationship information in my comments and emails, so, I'd love for the custom relationships section to be included in the main area, along with checklists and subtasks, etc. Having to click around to switch between the two, and not be able to type comments/emails while looking at the relationship fields is a real pain.
I believe that's already planned, from what I've heard, but I wanted to get this out there and make sure.
Of course, if/when this feature is added, that will make relationship custom fields and rollups visible as well (though, I know there's a different canny post about that already).
Edit: having them show up in a persistent left hand side bar, in a list underneath the subtasks, would also work.
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Teofrenz Ycot
Hi Ivan Villa! Hoping this is still under your radar 🙏
I saw your recent comment in and is looking forward to it every day since.
Every time I have to do extra one to two clicks to get to relationships, I get distracted and keep coming back to canny to see if there is any progress.
We often use relationships to define our tasks but newbies can't intuitively find it without instructions or doing several clicks. How awesome would it be, if anyone could, just do one scroll to see everything about the task(custom fields, relationships, etc)? The tabs on the right can serve as shortcuts to the main window. But anyone new should just scroll and see everything about the task.
I believe the requests below can be merged here:
Adding Natalie Williams' comment from the above requests:
the hidden and separated dependencies and linked tasks is very inefficient even for long time Clickup users. Not being able to see dependencies and relationships while viewing comments adds so much inefficiency on a weekly basis.
Diogo Luiz Miranda
As a business migrating to ClickUp just now, I just can't believe that there was a good way to see relationships before, much easier than this terrible panel now on 3.0 and that it was changed. Then I checked the documentation to see if I was missing something, and found a great (probably outdated) documentation explaining that it is just how I expected to be, but obviously not how it was on the 3.0.
I will be perfect it the relationships where show just as defined in the documentation, in their own group on the main task view, together with subtasks and checklists. Please bring this back.
Christian Herrera
Agreed, the amount of work to pull Relationship information is tedious. Would be great if this was it's own tab next to Details, sub tasks, and action items. This would also provide a much cleaner view of roll up fields we customize to preview from the related tasks
Yes please!! :)
Alice Elford
okay this would be neat! I have list for all current product development projects (plus model updates etc) and then another list for manufacturers.
What I would love to happen with relationships:
- Be able to select a relationship when you create a new task (in the small popup for the initial info) - 1st image uploaded
- When you add a relationship on the list view, for it to be less clunky - once you click the relevant relationship (or manufacturer in my case), remove the popup that shows next. (2nd image uploaded)
Ryan P. Keane
This is going to be even worse now that we're being forced to use 3.0 as of March. We've been working comfortably and happily staying on 2.0 because we built Relationships to be such a critical part of our business and the ability to see them right from the main task pane. Unless we have the ability to edit our default task view and where things are placed inside that view, this forced move to 3.0 is going to cripple all the work that we've done to build out how we have and garner support from our staff about using ClickUp.
Teofrenz Ycot
Being able to see the relationships under details would be so much helpful. Or just letting us rearrange the task view according to how we want to see in one go would be so much better.
Arturs Greiza
Bring back Regular Custom Field to set 1 specific Relationship so people can follow one flow of everything that needs to be set for a task
I second this. Relationship is way too small in the right panel. It was better in V2, Below subtasks.
Ivan Villa
Merged in a post:
Custom Relationships
Kevin Hennessy
The Custom Relationship field is not ideally placed on the Task. It should be easy to see/access/manage. See image.
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