Recurring Custom Date Fields
Christopher Rosa
Allow recurrences to affect the custom date field, or set up an independent custom date field recurrence so that the custom date field doesn't need to be reset each time a task recurrence triggers.
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Eric Cote
3 years later and I ran into this problem head-on. Hoping this gets addressed soon!
Caleb Shirvani
Need this please!!
Umit Gunes
I have many custom fields in a list and I don't want to repeat the attachment custom field and the rest should be repeated choose custom field. I want to choose which custom field will be recurred.
Need this to set up an hourly task reoccurrence.
I made a post asking to input more refined hour triggers for automations as well if you can please vote there (mockup attached)
6 Stars Cleaning
Please recurring dates functionalities like in due dates field for any date custom field.
Amanda Soto
We want to be able to have the date recur with the task, instead of stay the same no matter how many times it recurs. If it should be the last day of the month, the recurrence should reflect that for next month too.
Jacopo Di Capua
We are looking to
- Have the option to set recurrence based on a Custom Date field (e.g., create the new instance of this task on X date)
Joseph Bikel
Same options like the recurrence due date
Caroline Ginty
Thanks everyone for the engagement here so far! A clarifying question for anyone who has voted/commented - which of the following better describes what you are looking to do?
- Reset the value for a date Custom Field each time the task recurs (To the date of recurrence? Or another date? What kind of flexibility would you be looking for in defining how that date gets set?)
- Have the option to set recurrence based on a Custom Date field (e.g., create the new instance of this task on X date)
- Something else
Pierre Becher
Caroline Ginty: just the same recurring dates functionalities like in due dates field for a date custom field.
Jake Aspin
Pierre Becher: This ^
Caroline Ginty
Pierre Becher: Thanks!
Lindsey Baeza
Caroline Ginty: 2!
Tapan Bhakta
Caroline Ginty: Allow Automation of Custom Field - Date to have value of + / - number of days from Custom Field Date
Alberto Villa
Caroline Ginty: how is this going so far? I am really looking forward for this update
Caroline Ginty
Alberto Villa: Thanks for reaching out! Our team has this on our radar, but we have not yet slotted it into our roadmap. I'll certainly update the status here on Canny as we move through the development process!
Turker Turken
Another use-case may be for CRM. We'd like to set Birthdays as Recurring Custom Date Field but no option for that.
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