Quick Expand/Collapse on lists/Folders or when viewing 'Everything'
When you are viewing the entire workspace by clicking on the 'Everything' or even 'All' items under a Space that has lot of folders, the list of the tasks grouped by Folder/List/Status can get very large if you have lot of items. This makes it difficult if you need to focus on certain sections while being in that view.
There is a 'Collapse group' option under the grouped list of tasks but it takes two clicks to Collapse each group and there is no Collapse all/Expand All option.
It will be greatly beneficial to have a one click expand/collapse button next to each Folder/List/Grouped Tasks as well as one Expand all/Collapse all button for the entire view.
It will save a lot of time for the people who need to keep a tab on multiple projects/lists from the common view yet need some more control on the view to manage the giant list of tasks better.
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Jordan Roth
Additionally, this should just work in any list that is grouped!
Guy Mannerings
It's a useful shortcut in other programs to hold Shift when you click one, and that will collapse/expand all
from that one.That would be useful, too, so you can quickly focus on one grouping.
Helen Gamage
Expand to different levels too would be really really useful
Jon Rowand
Great to see that this is planned! In the meantime, at the very least, could you add the Everything level toggle for Expand all Folders / Collapse all Folders to the Space level settings to mimic what we can do Workspace wide?😊🙏
Stefan Rublowsky
I believe the best implementation of this would be +/- control at the top of the list, with each press of the + expanding by one level, and the - collapsing by one level. This should be available at the top of all lists in all views that have levels. This is so much more useful than just 'expand all' or 'collapse all' controls, and quite a few other PM softwares have this. It can be a huge time saver.
And it should have a shortcut key to do it.
Phylicia Henry
Please add feature to eliminate specific lists from the Everything space calendar view.
6 Stars Cleaning
Eli McIlveen
Yes please. Would dearly love a keyboard shortcut for this.
Bastian Hernandez
Please also add an option to make some Lists or Spaces "Invisible" to the EVERYTHING/Unscheduled option in Calendar.
The way I work on ideas is to write them down on different Kanban lists just to see them and play with position and so, but they are not time sensitive, so it would be perfect to just mark them as "Invisible from Calendar" so they don't clog up the Unscheduled view. 🤓
Amazing app, I'm loving it!
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