Promote Tasks to Projects
Jason Courtepatte
Add ability to "promote" tasks to projects. This could also apply to Subtasks being promoted to tasks.
All dates and notes can be kept after the "promotion".
This way, a project can be started from a list of sales leads.
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Ivan Villa
This can be done with our convert to list feature on a task :)
Danny Marken
I would LOVE this. I'm surprised not a single project management software has the ability to complete projects. You always have to use tasks and subtasks or an entire list for a project which you cannot complete. You always have to archive them.... It's VERY annoying.
Antonius D Natawiria
Yes please. I am soooo surprised that this feature is not in already!
I believe this is in place as you can now convert a task to a list. However, I'd like to add that I'd like to have the option to leave the original task as "closed," for example if it's an idea that's now become a project, and you'd like to see the original idea to trace where the project came from.
On a similar note, I think it would be great if this activity was written into the Comment Stream. This happens when you move tasks between lists in ClickUp, and is very helpful to see the progression of work during its lifecycle.
Trae Dantzler
Yes this would be amazing.
This would be a big one, would keep the spirit of being able to quickly "jot down" ideas in ClickUp as tasks, then build them out as the team is able to bring them to initiatives and real work. Without this, you are forced to set up placeholder projects to represent these initiatives, but they may not have a chance of being started for a long time. However, as projects they will get into reports and appear to bring down a team's productivity.
Really hoping you guys move this forward to production!
Kevin Biggar
Promote and demote - it would be awesome if it worked more like an outliner
Emily West
Yes please!
Owen Davidson Knight
How many times can I request this feature? If I can vote 1 million times, then I vote 1 million times!
Yassir Khalid
should be a life saver...count me in
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