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Ivan Villa
Sascha Löffler Hey! We're working on getting this updated. It's still on our radar for release. We got held up by another major feature that's related to this, so we had to slow down a bit. I can't share too many details right now, but we'll have more info out soon. 😀
João Vitor Perez
Do we have any updates? Ivan Villa Luci N.
Helen Gamage
We would want the ablity to be able to turn this off at space level or workspace level, we do not want private comments in CU the whole idea for us is visiblity of all on the projects. What would be more useful was to have an option to notify watchers or not - some comments you might want to just turn off the notify watchers on them as they are really not important for example an automated comment just for an individual and all watchers get notified - where as if you had option to not notify people then this would be a far better experience for all. Ivan Villa
Gary Trojanowski
This lack of respect and consideration on your part is unbearable. We've been waiting over 4 years for this feature. What are you waiting for to give us visibility on a real release date Ivan Villa and Luci N. ?
Kimberly Lipari
Is there any update on this feature? I'm having to consider building an entirely different portal for this purpose.
Philip Johnston
Any update on this? Its badly needed!
We are eagerly awaiting this functionality. Once it becomes available, it will allow us to move away from using the Freshdesk tool!
Helen Gamage
Can we have the option to turn this off within a space if needed
João Vitor Perez
Do we have an update on the launch of this feature? Ivan Villa Luci N.
Arne Damkjer
We're managing projects where both suppliers and customers can access and contribute.
Here it would be very helpful to make selected chats visible only to certain persons and/or groups. Now we have to communicate by other means if something is more or less irrelevant/disturbing/confident, giving us no way to save this communication on the project - a BIG wish on our side to improve ClickUp with
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