I mostly work in ClickUp with PDF comments made by other people. In the past, the comment numbers that appear in the PDF (the numbers in the pink circles) used to also appear in the comment list on the right side of the screen in the same format, a number in a pink circle. At some point, these numbers went away.
Now there are no numbers at all in the list. I found these numbers to be very helpful, especially when there are many comments clustered together, as it made it much easier to pinpoint what comment goes with which element on the page.
Currently, when clicking on the number in the PDF, the comment expands, often covering up what I am trying to see, so being able to see the comment numbers in the list without expanding the comment on the PDF is extremely helpful.
As a side point, clicking on a comment in the list used to jump to that comment in the PDF. This is no longer the case, making the list view somewhat pointless in its current state.