Pay per feature

Alex Howard
Allow Workspaces to pay for features that aren't on their plan.
For example, let Unlimited Plan Workspaces to opt in to pay for uses of the Workload view.
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Mohammad Gad
I'm with that, please add to pay only for Dashboards views

Luci N.
Hey, everyone! We really appreciate you taking the time to share how we can improve ClickUp. Your feedback about the ability to pay per feature has been passed on to our pricing and platform team.
We encourage you to keep sharing your ideas, especially for new features and feature improvements, on our feature request boards. We appreciate your feedback!

Luci N. Hi Luci! Thanks for your message.
Will we get update about it and if it is going to be implemented?

Kushaal Singla
Luci N. is it implemented?

Luci N. Just saw this suggestion has been answer there :
Really disappointing.

Lauren Petrullo
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASe - i'm happy to pay more but to jump 4x for one feature... has me looking at alternative solutions

Евгеній Совяк

Raphael Carneiro

I think other requests are related and could maybe be merged with this one :

Alex Hildebrand
100% This! The business tier doesn't make sense for my freelance business, but I desperately need to be able to add notes to my time tracking and be able to determine if time is billable or not. A small add-on increase would make so much sense vs the huge upcharge I'd face if I upgrade to business for only one small feature.

Ashley Finley
Yes please!!

Hi ClickUp! Could we get an update on this topic?
I am happy to pay for an app that is great to use everyday.
But as a one-person business, there is a loooot of features I don’t need in Business Plan or higher plans (which are pricy for small businesses) while I may love to add one or two features to my plan (that aren’t worth the price of the plan).
I think a lot of people are in this situation, and may have a different interests like : workload, mind maps, timeline or even just a few exports to excel a year.

Dallen Baldwin
I'd love an al-e-carte style billing option. There are absolutely features I want in higher tiers, but there aren't enough other features to justify the cost. I get there's a desire on the sales side to "motivate" users to pay for higher tiers, but I imagine you'd see plenty of users willing to pay a little extra for those one or two more features.
Maybe let people pick one or two features per extra dollar until they hit the next tier, getting it all unlocked. You can still claim paying for the full next tier is better value, but it will be easier for people more budget constrained to get what they want/need.

Dallen Baldwin: I totally agree with you and would love this to happen!
Except for “but there aren't enough other features to justify the cost” as it could get marketing team to think they need to add more features in higher plans to get people to take this one instead.
Sometime it isn’t about getting more interesting features, some (small) businesses don’t need more features, just one or two more (and these businesses aren’t big enough to pay for full plan with a whole bunch of features that are unnecessary for them and won’t be used).
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